XL Fortran for AIX 8.1

Language Reference

Array Constructors

An array constructor is a sequence of specified scalar values. It constructs a rank-one array whose element values are those specified in the sequence.


is an expression or implied-DO list that provides values for array elements. Each ac_value in the array constructor must have the same type and type parameters.

If ac_value is:

The data type of the array constructor is the same as the data type of the ac_value_list expressions. If every expression in an array constructor is a constant expression, the array constructor is a constant expression.

You can construct arrays of rank greater than one using an intrinsic function. See RESHAPE(SOURCE, SHAPE, PAD, ORDER) for details.

INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: A, B, C, D(2,2)
A = (/ 1,2,3,4,5 /)               ! Assign values to all elements in A
A(3:5) = (/ 0,1,0 /)              ! Assign values to some elements
C = MERGE (A, B, (/ T,F,T,T,F /)) ! Construct temporary logical mask
! The array constructor produces a rank-one array, which
!   is turned into a 2x2 array that can be assigned to D.
D = RESHAPE( SOURCE = (/ 1,2,1,2 /), SHAPE = (/ 2,2 /) )
! Here, the constructor linearizes the elements of D in
!   array-element order into a one-dimensional result.
PRINT *, A( (/ D /) )

Implied-DO List for an Array Constructor

Implied-DO loops in array constructors help to create a regular or cyclic sequence of values, to avoid specifying each element individually.

A zero-sized array of rank one is formed if the sequence of values generated by the loop is empty.

>>-(--ac_value_list--,--implied_do_variable-- = --expr1--,--expr2-->

is a named scalar integer or real variable. IBM Extension BeginsIn XL Fortran, an implied_do_variable is a real expression. IBM Extension Ends In a nonexecutable statement, the type must be integer. Loop processing follows the same rules as for an implied-DO in DATA, and uses integer or real arithmetic depending on the type of the implied-DO variable.

The variable has the scope of the implied-DO, and it must not have the same name as another implied-DO variable in a containing array constructor implied-DO:

M = 0
PRINT *, (/ (M, M=1, 10) /) ! Array constructor implied-DO
PRINT *, M                  ! M still 0 afterwards
PRINT *, (M, M=1, 10)       ! Non-array-constructor implied-DO
PRINT *, M                  ! This one goes to 11
PRINT *, (/ ((M, M=1, 5), N=1, 3) /)
! The result is a 15-element, one-dimensional array.
! The inner loop cannot use N as its variable.

expr1, expr2,  and  expr3
are integer scalar expressions

+-------------------------------IBM Extension--------------------------------+

In XL Fortran, expr1, expr2 and expr3 are real expressions.

+----------------------------End of IBM Extension----------------------------+

PRINT *, (/ (I, I = 1, 3) /)
! Sequence is (1, 2, 3)
PRINT *, (/ (I, I = 1, 10, 2) /)
! Sequence is (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
PRINT *, (/ (I, I+1, I+2, I = 1, 3) /)
! Sequence is (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5)
PRINT *, (/ ( (I, I = 1, 3), J = 1, 3 ) /)
! Sequence is (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)
PRINT *, (/ ( (I, I = 1, J), J = 1, 3 ) /)
! Sequence is (1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3)
PRINT *, (/2,3,(I, I+1, I = 5, 8)/)
! Sequence is (2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9).
! The values in the implied-DO loop before
!   I=5 are calculated for each iteration of the loop.

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