XL Fortran for AIX 8.1

Language Reference


Constructs an array of a specified shape from the elements of a given array.

is an array of any type, which supplies the elements for the result array.

defines the shape of the result array. It is an integer array of up to 20 elements, with rank one and of a constant size. All elements are either positive integers or zero.

PAD (optional)
is used to fill in extra values if SOURCE is reshaped into a larger array. It is an array of the same data type as SOURCE. If it is absent or is a zero-sized array, you can only make SOURCE into another array of the same size or smaller.

ORDER (optional)
is an integer array of rank one with a constant size. Its elements must be a permutation of (1, 2, ..., SIZE(SHAPE)). You can use it to insert elements in the result in an order of dimensions other than the normal (1, 2, ..., rank(RESULT)).


Transformational function

Result Value

The result is an array with shape SHAPE. It has the same data type as SOURCE.

The array elements of SOURCE are placed into the result in the order of dimensions as specified by ORDER, or in the usual order for array elements if ORDER is not specified.

The array elements of SOURCE are followed by the array elements of PAD in array element order, and followed by additional copies of PAD until all of the elements of the result are set.


! Turn a rank-1 array into a 3x4 array of the
! same size.
RES= RESHAPE( (/A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L/), (/3,4/)
! The result is | A D G J |
!               | B E H K |
!               | C F I L |
! Turn a rank-1 array into a larger 3x5 array.
! Keep repeating -1 and -2 values for any
! elements not filled by the source array.
! Fill the rows first, then the columns.
RES= RESHAPE( (/1,2,3,4,5,6/), (/3,5/), &
  (/-1,-2/), (/2,1/) )
! The result is | 1  2  3  4  5  |
!               |  6 -1 -2 -1 -2 |
!               | -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 |

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