Administrator's Guide

Creating Your Own Policies

Task Required Privilege Class
Define or copy a policy domain System
Update a policy domain over which you have authority Restricted policy
Define, update, or copy policy sets and management classes in any policy domain System or unrestricted policy
Define, update, or copy policy sets and management classes in policy domains over which you have authority Restricted policy
Define or update copy groups in any policy domain System or unrestricted policy
Define or update copy groups that belong to policy domains over which you have authority Restricted policy
Assign a default management class to a nonactive policy set in any policy domain System or unrestricted policy
Assign a default management class to a nonactive policy set in policy domains over which you have authority Restricted policy
Validate and activate policy sets in any policy domain System or unrestricted policy
Validate and activate policy sets in policy domains over which you have authority Restricted policy
Start inventory expiration processing System

You may need more flexibility in your policies than the standard ADSM policy provides. For example, you may want to change the backup copy group parameters, to enable clients to restore backed-up files to a specific point in time (see "Special Considerations: Enabling Point-in-Time Restore for Clients" for more information).

You can create your own policies in either of two ways: you can define the parts of a policy and specify each attribute, or you can copy existing policy parts and update only those attributes that you want to change. The following table shows that an advantage of copying existing policy parts is that some associated parts are copied in a single operation.
If you copy: You create:
Policy Domain A new policy domain with:

  • A copy of each policy set from the original domain

  • A copy of each management class in each original policy set

  • A copy of each copy group in each original management class
Policy Set A new policy set in the same policy domain with:

  • A copy of each management class in the original policy set

  • A copy of each copy group in the original management class
Management Class A new management class in the same policy set and a copy of each copy group in the management class

The sections that follow describe the tasks involved in creating new policies for your installation:

  1. Define policy domains to manage groups of client nodes. See page "Defining and Updating a Policy Domain".

  2. Define policy sets for different policies. See "Defining and Updating a Policy Set".

  3. Define management classes to match users' requirements. See "Defining and Updating a Management Class".

  4. Define backup copy groups to specify which files can be backed up and how to manage backup versions. See "Defining and Updating a Backup Copy Group".

  5. Define archive copy groups to specify whether a file can be archived if it is in use and to manage archive copies. See "Defining and Updating an Archive Copy Group".

  6. Assign a default management class to each policy set to match the most common requirements of client nodes in the policy domain. See "Assigning a Default Management Class".

  7. Validate all policy sets, and activate one policy set for each policy domain. See "Activating Policy Sets".

  8. Start expiration processing. See "Running Expiration Processing to Delete Expired Files".

Getting Users Started

To help users take advantage of ADSM, you can set up the policy environment by doing the following:

Example: Sample Policy Objects

Figure 39 shows the policies for an engineering department. This example is used throughout the rest of this chapter.

The domain contains two policy sets, STANDARD and SUMMER. The policy set named STANDARD is active. Only one policy set can be active at a time. When a policy set is activated, the server makes a copy of the policy set and names it ACTIVE.

The ACTIVE policy set contains three management classes: ENGINEERING, MCENG, and MCENGBK3. The default management class is MCENG.

Figure 39. An Example of Policy Objects Defined for an Engineering Department

An Example of Policy Objects Defined for an Engineering Department

Defining and Updating a Policy Domain

When you update or define a policy domain, you specify:

Backup Retention Grace Period
Specifies the number of days to retain an inactive backup version when the server cannot rebind the file to an appropriate management class. The backup retention grace period protects backup versions from being immediately expired when the management class to which a file is bound no longer exists or no longer contains a backup copy group, and the default management class does not contain a backup copy group.

Backup versions of the file managed by the grace period are retained in server storage only for the backup retention grace period. This period starts from the day of the backup. For example, if the backup retention grace period for the STANDARD policy domain is used and set to 30 days, backup versions using the grace period expire in 30 days from the day of the backup.

Backup versions of the file continue to be managed by the grace period unless one of the following occurs:

Archive Retention Grace Period
Specifies the number of days to retain an archive copy when the management class for the file no longer contains an archive copy group and the default management class does not contain an archive copy group. The retention grace period protects archive copies from being immediately expired.

The archive copy of the file managed by the grace period is retained in ADSM storage for the number of days specified by the archive retention grace period. This period starts from the day on which the file is first archived. For example, if the archive retention grace period for the policy domain STANDARD is used, an archive copy expires 365 days from the day the file is first archived.

The archive copy of the file continues to be managed by the grace period unless an archive copy group is added to the file's management class or to the default management class.

Example: Defining a Policy Domain

To create a new policy domain you can do one of the following:

Note:When you copy an existing domain, you also copy any associated policy sets, management classes, and copy groups.

For example, to copy and update, follow this procedure:

  1. Copy the STANDARD policy domain to the ENGPOLDOM policy domain by entering:
    copy domain standard engpoldom

    ENGPOLDOM now contains the standard policy set, management class, backup copy group, and archive copy group.

  2. Update the policy domain ENGPOLDOM so that the backup retention grace period is extended to 90 days and the archive retention grace period is extended to 2 years by entering:
    update domain engpoldom description='Engineering Policy Domain'
    backretention=90 archretention=730

Defining and Updating a Policy Set

When you define or update a policy set, specify:

Policy domain name
Names the policy domain to which the policy set belongs

Example: Defining a Policy Set

A business with seasonal employees needs two policy sets. During most of the year, most users would use the STANDARD policy set. During the summer, it would activate the SUMMER policy set to provide new management classes for users who are seasonal employees. To create the SUMMER policy set in the STANDARD policy domain, the business would perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the STANDARD policy set and name the new policy set SUMMER:
    copy policyset standard standard summer
    Note:When you copy an existing policy set, you also copy any associated management classes and copy groups.

  2. Update the description of the policy set named SUMMER:
    update policyset standard summer
    description='Policy set activated during summer for STANDARD domain'

Defining and Updating a Management Class

When you define or update a management class, specify:

Policy domain name
Names the policy domain to which the management class belongs.

Policy set name
Names the policy set to which the management class is assigned.

Whether hierarchical storage management (HSM) is to be done
Specifies that the files are eligible for both automatic and selective migration, only selective migration, or no migration.

How frequently files can be migrated
Specifies the minimum number of days that must elapse since a file was last accessed before it is eligible for automatic migration.

Whether backup is required
Specifies whether a backup version of a file must exist before the file can be migrated.

Where migrated files are to be stored
Specifies the name of the storage pool in which migrated files are stored. Your choice could depend on factors such as:
Note:You cannot specify a copy storage pool as a destination.

Example: Define a New Management Class

Create a new management class containing a backup copy group and an archive copy group:

  1. Copy the STANDARD management class from the STANDARD policy set to the new management class (named MCENG) by entering:
    copy mgmtclass engpoldom standard standard mceng

    The server copies the management class description, standard backup copy group, and standard archive copy group to MCENG.

  2. Update the description of the MCENG management class by entering:
    update mgmtclass engpoldom standard mceng
    description='Engineering Mgmt Class - Backup & Archive Copy Groups'

Defining and Updating a Backup Copy Group

To define or update a backup copy group on the graphical user interface or command line, specify:

Where backed up files are to be stored
Specifies a defined storage pool. Your choice can depend on factors such as:
Note:You cannot specify a copy storage pool.

If files can be modified during backup
Specifies how files are handled if they are modified while being backed up and what ADSM does if modification occurs. This attribute, called serialization, can be one of four values:

Specifies that if the file or directory is modified during a backup, ADSM does not back it up. ADSM does not retry the backup.

Shared Static
Specifies that if the file or directory is modified during a backup, ADSM does not back it up. However, ADSM retries the backup as many times as specified by the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client options file.

Specifies that a file or directory is backed up on the first attempt, even if the file or directory is being modified during the backup.

Shared Dynamic
Specifies that if a file or directory is modified during a backup attempt, ADSM backs it up on its last try even if the file or directory is being modified. ADSM retries the backup as many times as specified by the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client options file.

For most files, set serialization to either static or shared static to prevent the server from backing up a file while it is being modified.

Attention: If a file is backed up while it is in use (shared dynamic or dynamic serialization), the copy may not contain all the changes and may not be usable.

However, you may want to define a copy group with a serialization of shared dynamic or dynamic for files where log records are continuously added, such as an error log. If you only have copy groups that use static or shared static, these files may never be backed up because they are constantly in use. With shared dynamic or dynamic, the log files are backed up. However, the backup version may contain a truncated message.
Note:When certain users or processes open files, they deny read access to the files for any other user or process. When this happens, even with serialization set to dynamic or shared dynamic, ADSM does not back up the file.

How frequently files can be backed up
Specifies the minimum number of days that must elapse between full incremental backups. Frequency works with the mode parameter, which specifies whether a file or directory is considered for full incremental backup only if it has changed since the last backup or regardless of whether it has been changed. ADSM does not check this attribute when a user requests a partial incremental backup or a selective backup for a file. You can select from two modes:

A file is considered for full incremental backup only if it has changed since the last backup. A file is considered changed if any of the following items is different:
  • Date on which the file was last modified
  • File size
  • File owner
  • File permissions

A file is considered for full incremental backup regardless of whether it has changed since the last backup.

For example, if frequency is 3 and mode is modified, a file or directory is backed up only if it has been changed and if three days have passed. If frequency is 3 and mode is absolute, a file or directory is backed up after three days have passed whether or not the file has changed.

Use the modified mode when users want to retain multiple backup versions. If the mode is set to absolute, users may have three identical backup versions, rather than three different backup versions.

Absolute mode can be useful for forcing a full backup. It can also be useful for ensuring that OS/2 files with extended attributes are backed up, because ADSM does not detect changes to the extended attributes.

When you set the mode to absolute, set frequency to 0 if you want to ensure that a file is backed up each time full incremental backups are scheduled for or initiated by a client.

How many backup versions to retain
Specifies the number of backup versions. Multiple versions of files are useful when users continually update files and sometimes need to restore the original file from which they started. Two parameters determine how many active and inactive backup copies to retain:

Versions Data Exists
The maximum number of different backup versions that the server retains for files and directories currently on the workstation.

If users select a management class that allows more than one backup version, the most current version is called the active version. All other versions are called inactive versions. For example, in Figure 40, the most current version of REPORT.TXT was created on Friday at 3 p.m. There are two inactive versions of REPORT.TXT.

When the maximum number of backup versions is exceeded, the oldest version expires and the server deletes it the next time expiration processing runs. For example, if the maximum number of versions allowed for MEMO.DAT is three, and a user runs a backup process that creates a fourth version, the oldest version expires. In this example, the backup version created on Thursday at 8:05 a.m. expires.

How many inactive versions ADSM keeps is also related to the parameter for how long inactive versions are kept (Retain Extra Versions). Inactive versions can expire when their age exceeds the value specified for retaining extra versions, even when the number of versions is not exceeded.

To enable client nodes to restore files to a specific point in time, set the value for Versions Data Exists to 9999. Setting the value this high ensures that versions are retained according to the Retain Extra Versions parameter for the copy group. See "Special Considerations: Enabling Point-in-Time Restore for Clients" for more information.

Figure 40. Example of Active and Inactive Versions of Backed Up Files

Example of Active and Inactive Versions of Backed Up Files

Versions Data Deleted
The maximum number of different backup versions that the server retains for files and directories that have been erased from a workstation. The server ignores this parameter while the file or directory remains on the workstation.

If users erase a file or directory from their client nodes, then the next time a full incremental backup is run, the server changes the active backup version to inactive. The oldest versions that are more than the number specified by this parameter then expire, and the server deletes them the next time expiration processing runs.

The expiration date for the remaining versions is based on the Retain Extra Versions and Retain Only Version parameters.

To enable client nodes to restore files to a specific point in time, set the value for Versions Data Deleted to 9999. Setting the value this high ensures that versions are retained according to the Retain Extra Versions parameter for the copy group. See "Special Considerations: Enabling Point-in-Time Restore for Clients" for more information.

How long to retain files in storage
Specifies how long to retain backup versions:

Retain Extra Versions
Specifies how many days ADSM retains a backup version after that version becomes inactive. A version of a file becomes inactive when the client stores a more recent backup version, or when the client deletes the file from the workstation and then runs a full incremental backup. The value of this parameter determines which versions are deleted during inventory expiration processing.

If NOLIMIT is specified, inactive backup versions are deleted based on the Versions Data Exists or Versions Data Deleted parameters.

To enable client nodes to restore files to a specific point in time, set the parameters Versions Data Exists or Versions Data Deleted to 9999. Set the value for Retain Extra Versions to the number of days that you expect clients may need versions of files available for possible point-in-time restoration. For example, to enable clients to restore files from a point in time 60 days in the past, set Retain Extra Versions to 60. See "Special Considerations: Enabling Point-in-Time Restore for Clients" for more information.

Retain Only Version
Specifies how many days ADSM retains the only backup version it has of a file when the original file has been deleted from the workstation.

If NOLIMIT is specified, the last version is retained forever unless a user or administrator deletes the file from server storage.

Example: Define a Backup Copy Group

Define a backup copy group belonging to the MCENG management class in the STANDARD policy set belonging to the ENGPOLDOM policy domain. This new copy group must do the following:

To define the backup copy group, enter:

define copygroup engpoldom standard mceng standard
destination=engback1 serialization=static
verexists=5 verdeleted=4 retextra=90 retonly=600

Special Considerations: Enabling Point-in-Time Restore for Clients

To enable clients to restore backed-up files to a specific point in time, you must set up the backup copy group differently from the STANDARD. The Versions Data Exists, Versions Data Deleted, and Retain Extra Versions parameters work together to determine over what time period a client can perform a point-in-time restore operation.

For example, you decide to ensure that clients can choose to restore files from anytime in the previous 60 days. In the backup copy group, set the Retain Extra Versions parameter to 60 days. More than one backup version of a file may be stored per day if clients perform selective backups or if clients perform incremental backups more than once a day. The Versions Data Exists parameter and the Versions Data Deleted parameter control how many of these versions are kept by ADSM. To ensure that any number of backup versions are kept for the required 60 days, set both the Versions Data Exists parameter and the Versions Data Deleted parameter to 9999. This means that backup versions are essentially kept based on how old the versions are, instead of how many backup versions of the same file exist.

Keeping backed-up versions of files long enough to allow clients to restore their data to a point in time can mean increased resource costs. Requirements for ADSM storage increase because more file versions are kept, and the size of the ADSM database increases to track all the file versions. Because of these increased costs, you may want to choose carefully which clients can use the policy that allows for point-in-time restore operations.

Clients need to run full incremental backup operations frequently enough so that ADSM can detect files that have been deleted on the client file system. Only a full incremental backup can detect whether files have been deleted since the last backup. If full incremental backup is not done often enough, clients who restore to a specific time may find that many files that had actually been deleted from the workstation get restored. As a result, a client's file system may run out of space during a restore process.

Defining and Updating an Archive Copy Group

To define or update an archive copy group on the graphical user interface or command line, specify:

Where archived files are to be stored
Specifies a defined storage pool. Your choice can depend on factors such as:
Note:You cannot specify a copy storage pool as a destination.

If files can be modified during archive
Specifies how files are handled if they are modified while being archived and what ADSM does if modification occurs. This attribute, called serialization, can be one of four values:

Specifies that if the file is modified during an archiving process, ADSM does not archive it. ADSM does not retry the archive.

Shared Static
Specifies that if the file is modified during an archive process, ADSM does not archive it. However, ADSM retries the archive process as many times as specified by the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client options file.

Specifies that a file is archived on the first attempt, even if the file is being modified during the archive process.

Shared Dynamic
Specifies that if the file is modified during the archive attempt, ADSM archives it on its last try even if the file is being modified. ADSM retries the archive process as many times as specified by the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client options file.

For most files, set serialization to either static or shared static to prevent the server from archiving a file while it is being modified.

Attention: If a file is archived while it is in use (shared dynamic or dynamic serialization), the copy may not contain all the changes and may not be usable.

However, you may want to define a copy group with a serialization of shared dynamic or dynamic for files where log records are continuously added, such as an error log. If you only have copy groups that use static or shared static, these files may never be archived because they are constantly in use. With shared dynamic or dynamic, the log files are archived. However, the archive copy may contain a truncated message.
Note:When certain users or processes open files, they deny read access to the files for any other user or process. When this happens, even with serialization set to dynamic or shared dynamic, ADSM does not back up the file.

How long to retain an archived copy
Specifies the number of days to retain an archived copy in storage. When the time elapses, the archived copy expires and ADSM deletes the file the next time expiration processing runs.

Policy for ADSM Servers as Clients

An ADSM server (a source server) can be registered as a client to another ADSM server (the target server). Data stored by the source server appears as archived files on the target server. The source server is registered to a policy domain on the target server, and uses the default management class for that policy domain. In the default management class, the destination for the archive copy group determines where the target server stores data for the source server. Other policy specifications, such as how long to retain the data, do not apply to data stored for a source server. See Chapter 4. "Storing Data on Another Server" for more information.

Example: Define an Archive Copy Group

Define an archive copy group belonging to the MCENG class that:

To define a STANDARD archive copy group to the MCENG management class in the STANDARD policy set belonging to the ENGPOLDOM policy domain, enter:

define copygroup engpoldom standard mceng standard
type=archive destination=engarch1 serialization=static

Assigning a Default Management Class

After you have defined your policy sets and the management classes that they contain, you must assign a default management class for each policy set. See "Default Management Classes" for suggestions about the content of default management classes.

Example: Assign a Default Management Class

To assign the STANDARD management class as the default management class for the SUMMER policy set in the STANDARD policy domain, enter:

assign defmgmtclass standard summer standard

The STANDARD management class was copied from the STANDARD policy set to the SUMMER policy set (see "Example: Defining a Policy Set"). Before the new default management class takes effect, you must activate the policy set.

Validating and Activating Policy Sets

After you have defined your policy sets and assigned management classes to them, you can validate those policy sets and activate one policy set for the policy domain. Only one policy set is active in a policy domain.

Validating Policy Sets

When you validate a policy set, the server examines the management class and copy group definitions in the specified policy set and reports on conditions that need to be considered if the policy set is activated.

Validation fails if the policy set does not contain a default management class. The following conditions result in warning messages during validation:

Activating Policy Sets

To activate a policy set, specify a policy domain and policy set name. When you activate a policy set, the server:

After a policy set has been activated, the original and the ACTIVE policy sets are two separate objects. For example, updating the original policy set has no effect on the ACTIVE policy set. You cannot update the ACTIVE policy set. To change its contents, you must do the following:

  1. Copy the ACTIVE policy set to a policy set with another name.
  2. Update the new policy set.
  3. Validate the new policy set.
  4. Activate the new policy set to have the server use the changes.

Example: Validating and Activating a Policy Set

Validating and activating the SUMMER policy set in the STANDARD policy domain is a two-step process:

  1. To validate the SUMMER policy set, enter:
    validate policyset standard summer

  2. To activate the SUMMER policy set, enter:
    activate policyset standard summer

Running Expiration Processing to Delete Expired Files

Files expire under the following conditions:

ADSM does not delete information about the expired files from the server database until expiration processing runs. You can run expiration processing either automatically or by command. You control automatic expiration processing by using the expiration interval option (EXPINTERVAL) in the ADSM server options file (dsmserv.opt). You can set the option through the ADSM Server Utilities or by editing the dsmserv.opt file (see ADSM Administrator's Reference).

If you use the server option to control when expiration processing occurs, ADSM runs expiration processing each time you start the server. After that, the server runs expiration processing at the interval you specified with the option, measured from the start time of the server.

You can manually start expiration processing by issuing the following command:

expire inventory

Expiration processing then deletes information about expired files from the database. You can schedule this command by using the DEFINE SCHEDULE command. If you schedule the EXPIRE INVENTORY command, set the expiration interval to 0 in the server options so that the server does not run expiration processing when you start the server.

When expiration processing runs, normally ADSM sends detailed messages about policy changes made since the last time expiration processing ran. The messages are about changes you made that affect client files, such as deleting a management class or a copy group. You can reduce the number of messages about policy changes that are generated during expiration processing by using the EXPQUIET option in the server options, or the QUIET=YES parameter with the EXPIRE INVENTORY command. When you use the quiet option or parameter, ADSM issues messages about policy changes during expiration processing only when files are deleted, and either the default management class or retention grace period for the domain has been used to expire the files.

Additional Expiration Processing with the DRM Feature: If your server is licensed for the DRM feature, one or more database backup volumes may also be deleted during expiration processing if the following conditions are true:

See "Moving Reclaimed or Expired Volumes Back Onsite" for more information.

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