Administrator's Guide

Performing Routine DRM Operations

After you have set up DRM, you perform a few routine operations to stay prepared for a possible disaster. The following list is an overview of these daily tasks in the order in which they are typically done. Many of these tasks can be scheduled to occur automatically (see Chapter 15. "Automating Server Operations" for details).

  1. Back up client data.

  2. Back up the database and storage pools. See "Backing up the Primary Storage Pools and the Database" for details.

  3. Move the new backup tapes offsite and update the database with their locations. See "Sending Server Backup Volumes Offsite" for details.

  4. Return expired or reclaimed backup tapes onsite and update the database with their locations. See "Moving Reclaimed or Expired Volumes Back Onsite" for details.

  5. Generate a new disaster recovery plan. See "Creating the ADSM Server Disaster Recovery Plan" for details.

The following diagram is an overview of the recovery media life cycle:

Figure 65. Recovery Media Life Cycle

Recovery Media Life Cycle

Task Required Privilege Class
Manually sending backup volumes offsite and back onsite Unrestricted storage or operator

Update the location of the volumes with the MOVE DRMEDIA command and track their locations with the QUERY DRMEDIA command.

Offsite recovery media management does not process virtual volumes. To display all virtual copy storage pool and database backup volumes that have their backup objects on the remote target server issue the following command:

query drmedia * wherestate=remote

Backup volume location information is included in the disaster recovery plan. In the event of a disaster that destroys the ADSM server, the disaster recovery plan can provide a list of offsite volumes required at the recovery site.

Sending Server Backup Volumes Offsite

DRM uses the following states for volumes that are sent offsite. The location of a volume is known at each state.

The volume contains valid data, and ADSM can access it.

The volume contains valid data and is onsite, but ADSM cannot access it.

The volume contains valid data and is in transit to the vault.

The volume contains valid data and is at the vault.

After you have created the backup copies of your primary storage pools and database, you can send your backup media offsite.

To send server backup media offsite, you must mark the volumes as unavailable to ADSM and give the volumes to the courier. Use the following commands to identify the backup volumes written to by the ADSM server backup database and backup storage pool commands, and move these volumes offsite.

  1. Identify the copy storage pool and database backup volumes to be moved offsite:
    query drmedia * wherestate=mountable

    ADSM displays information similar to the following:

    |Volume Name      State             Last Update          Automated               |
    |                                   Date/Time            LibName                 |
    |---------------  ----------------  -------------------  -----------------       |
    | TPBK05          Mountable         01/01/1997 12:00:31  LIBRARY                 |
    | TPBK99          Mountable         01/01/1997 12:00:32  LIBRARY                 |
    | TPBK06          Mountable         01/01/1997 12:01:03  LIBRARY                 |

  2. Indicate the movement of volumes whose current state is MOUNTABLE by issuing the following command:
    move drmedia * wherestate=mountable

    This command automatically completes the following process for each volume with a current state of MOUNTABLE:


    1. During checkout processing SCSI libraries request operator intervention. To bypass these requests and eject the cartridges from the library, first issue the following command:
      move drmedia * wherestate=mountable remove=no

      Next, access a list of the volumes by issuing the following command:

      query drmedia wherestate=notmountable

      From this list identify and remove the cartridges (volumes) from the library.

    2. For the 349X library type, if the number of cartridges to be checked out of the library is greater than the number of slots in the I/O station, you can define a high capacity area in your library. Then use the following command to eject the cartridges to the high capacity area, rather than to the I/O station:
      move drmedia * wherestate=mountable remove=bulk 

  3. Send the volumes to the offsite vault. Issue the following command to have ADSM select volumes in the NOTMOUNTABLE state and update the state to COURIER.
    move drmedia * wherestate=notmountable

    This command does the following for all volumes in the NOTMOUNTABLE state:

  4. When the vault location confirms receipt of the volumes, issue the MOVE DRMEDIA command with the WHERESTATE=COURIER parameter. For example:
    move drmedia * wherestate=courier

    This command automatically completes the following process for all volumes with a current state of COURIER:

  5. To display a list of volumes that contain valid data at the vault, issue the following command:
    query drmedia wherestate=vault

    ADSM displays information similar to the following:

    |Volume Name       State           Last Update          Automated                |
    |                                  Date/Time            LibName                  |
    |----------------- --------------  -------------------  -----------------        |
    |TAPE0P            Vault           01/05/1997 10:53:20                           |
    |TAPE1P            Vault           01/05/1997 10:53:20                           |
    |DBT02             Vault           01/05/1997 10:53:20                           |
    |TAPE3S            Vault           01/05/1997 10:53:20                           |

  6. If you do not want to step through all the states, you can use TOSTATE parameter on the MOVE DRMEDIA command to specify the destination state. For example, to transition the volumes from NOTMOUNTABLE state to VAULT state, issue the following command:
    move drmedia * wherestate=notmountable tostate=vault

    This command automatically completes the following process for all volumes with a current state of NOTMOUNTABLE:

See "Disaster Recovery Preparation" for an example that demonstrates sending server backup volumes offsite using MOVE DRMEDIA and QUERY DRMEDIA commands.

Moving Reclaimed or Expired Volumes Back Onsite

DRM uses the following states for backup volumes that are reclaimed or no longer contain valid data and are to be moved back onsite.

The volumes no longer contain valid data and are to be returned to the site. For more information on reclamation of offsite copy storage pool volumes, see "Reclamation of Offsite Volumes". For information on expiration of database backup volumes, see step 1 below.

The volumes no longer contain valid data and are in the process of being returned by the courier.

The volumes no longer contain valid data and have been moved back to the onsite location. The volume records of ADSM database backup and scratch copy storage pool volumes are deleted from the ADSM database. For private copy storage pool volumes, the access mode is updated to READWRITE.

Use the following procedure to expire the nonvirtual database backup volumes and return the volumes back onsite for reuse or disposal.

  1. Specify the number of days before a database backup series is expired. To ensure that the database can be returned to an earlier level and database references to files in the copy storage pool are still valid, specify the same value for the REUSEDELAY parameter in your copy storage pool definition.

    A database backup volume is considered eligible for expiration if all of the following conditions are true:

    The following example sets the number of days to 30.

    set drmdbbackupexpiredays 30
    Note:The database backup volumes that are virtual volumes are removed during expiration processing. This processing is initiated either by issuing the EXPIRE INVENTORY command or automatically through the EXPINTERVAL option setting specified in the server options file.

  2. When a backup volume is reclaimed and the ADSM status for a copy storage pool volume is EMPTY or the database backup series is EXPIRED, the volume should be moved back onsite for reuse or disposal. To determine which volumes to retrieve, issue the following command:
    query drmedia * wherestate=vaultretrieve

  3. After you request the reclaimed volumes be moved back onsite, and the vault location acknowledges that the volumes have been given to the courier, issue the following command:
    move drmedia * wherestate=vaultretrieve

    This command automatically completes the following process for all volumes with a current state of VAULTRETRIEVE:

  4. When the courier delivers the volumes, issue the following command to acknowledge that the courier has returned the volumes onsite:
    move drmedia * wherestate=courierretrieve

    This command automatically completes the following process for all volumes with a current state of COURIERRETRIEVE:

  5. If you do not want to step through all the states, you can use the TOSTATE parameter on the MOVE DRMEDIA command to specify the destination state. For example, to transition the volumes from VAULTRETRIEVE state to ONSITERETRIEVE state, issue the following command:
    move drmedia * wherestate=vaultretrieve tostate=onsiteretrieve

    This command automatically completes the following process for all volumes with a current state of VAULTRETRIEVE:

For an example scenario that demonstrates moving volumes back onsite, see "Disaster Recovery Preparation".

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