XL Fortran for AIX 8.1

User's Guide

Implementation Details for -qautodbl Promotion and Padding

The following sections provide additional details about how the -qautodbl option works, to allow you to predict what happens during promotion and padding.


The storage relationship between two data objects determines the relative starting addresses and the relative sizes of the objects. The -qautodbl option tries to preserve this relationship as much as possible.

Data objects can also have a value relationship, which determines how changes to one object affect another. For example, a program might store a value into one variable, and then read the value through a different storage-associated variable. With -qautodbl in effect, the representation of one or both variables might be different, so the value relationship is not always preserved.

An object that is affected by this option may be:

Examples of Storage Relationships for -qautodbl Suboptions

The examples in this section illustrate storage-sharing relationships between the following types of entities:

In the diagrams, solid lines represent the actual data, and dashed lines represent padding.

Figure 6. Storage Relationships without the -qautodbl Option


The figure above illustrates the default storage-sharing relationship of the compiler.

@process autodbl(none)
      block data
      complex(4) x8      /(1.123456789e0,2.123456789e0)/
      real(16) r16(2)    /1.123q0,2.123q0/
      integer(8) i8(2)   /1000,2000/
      character*5 c(2)  /"abcde","12345"/
      common /named/ x8,r16,i8,c
      subroutine s()
         complex(4) x8
         real(16) r16(2)
         integer(8) i8(2)
         character*5 c(2)
         common /named/ x8,r16,i8,c
!          x8    = (1.123456e0,2.123456e0)      ! promotion did not occur
!         r16(1) = 1.123q0                      ! no padding
!         r16(2) = 2.123q0                      ! no padding
!          i8(1) = 1000                         ! no padding
!          i8(2) = 2000                         ! no padding
!           c(1) = "abcde"                      ! no padding
!           c(2) = "12345"                      ! no padding
      end subroutine s

Figure 7. Storage Relationships with -qautodbl=dbl


@process autodbl(dbl)
      block data
      complex(4) x8
      real(16) r16(2)    /1.123q0,2.123q0/
      real(8) r8
      real(4) r4         /1.123456789e0/
      integer(8) i8(2)   /1000,2000/
      character*5 c(2)  /"abcde","12345"/
      equivalence (x8,r8)
      common /named/ r16,i8,c,r4
!     Storage relationship between r8 and x8 is preserved.
!     Data values are NOT preserved between r8 and x8.
      subroutine s()
         real(16) r16(2)
         real(8) r4
         integer(8) i8(2)
         character*5 c(2)
         common /named/ r16,i8,c,r4
!         r16(1) = 1.123q0                        ! no padding
!         r16(2) = 2.123q0                        ! no padding
!          r4    = 1.123456789d0                  ! promotion occurred
!          i8(1) = 1000                           ! no padding
!          i8(2) = 2000                           ! no padding
!           c(1) = "abcde"                        ! no padding
!           c(2) = "12345"                        ! no padding
      end subroutine s

Figure 8. Storage Relationships with -qautobl=dbl4


@process autodbl(dbl4)
      complex(8) x16    /(1.123456789d0,2.123456789d0)/
      complex(4) x8
      real(4) r4(2)
      equivalence (x16,x8,r4)
!     Storage relationship between r4 and x8 is preserved.
!     Data values between r4 and x8 are preserved.
!     x16   = (1.123456789d0,2.123456789d0)      ! promotion did not occur
!     x8    = (1.123456789d0,2.123456789d0)      ! promotion occurred
!     r4(1) = 1.123456789d0                      ! promotion occurred
!     r4(2) = 2.123456789d0                      ! promotion occurred

Figure 9. Storage Relationships with -qautodbl=dbl8


@process autodbl(dbl8)
      complex(8) x16    /(1.123456789123456789d0,2.123456789123456789d0)/
      complex(4) x8
      real(8) r8(2)
      equivalence (x16,x8,r8)
!     Storage relationship between r8 and x16 is preserved.
!     Data values between r8 and x16 are preserved.
!     x16   = (1.123456789123456789q0,2.123456789123456789q0)
!                                                ! promotion occurred
!     x8    = upper 8 bytes of r8(1)             ! promotion did not occur
!     r8(1) = 1.123456789123456789q0             ! promotion occurred
!     r8(2) = 2.123456789123456789q0             ! promotion occurred

Figure 10. Storage Relationships with -qautodbl=dblpad4


In the figure above, the dashed lines represent the padding.

@process autodbl(dblpad4)
      complex(8) x16  /(1.123456789d0,2.123456789d0)/
      complex(4) x8
      real(4) r4(2)
      integer(8) i8(2)
!     Storage relationship among all entities is preserved.
!     Date values between x8 and r4 are preserved.
!     x16   = (1.123456789d0,2.123456789d0)      ! padding occurred
!     x8    = (upper 8 bytes of x16, 8 byte pad) ! promotion occurred
!     r4(1) = real(x8)                           ! promotion occurred
!     r4(2) = imag(x8)                           ! promotion occurred
!     i8(1) = real(x16)                          ! padding occurred
!     i8(2) = imag(x16)                          ! padding occurred

Figure 11. Storage Relationships with -qautodbl=dblpad8


In the figure above, the dashed lines represent the padding.

@process autodbl(dblpad8)
      complex(8) x16    /(1.123456789123456789d0,2.123456789123456789d0)/
      complex(4) x8
      real(8) r8(2)
      integer(8) i8(2)
      byte b(16)
      equivalence (x16,x8,r8,i8,b)
!     Storage relationship among all entities is preserved.
!     Data values between r8 and x16 are preserved.
!     Data values between i8 and b are preserved.
!     x16 = (1.123456789123456789q0,2.123456789123456789q0)
!                                              ! promotion occurred
!     x8 = upper 8 bytes of r8(1)              ! padding occurred
!     r8(1) = real(x16)                        ! promotion occurred
!     r8(2) = imag(x16)                        ! promotion occurred
!     i8(1) = upper 8 bytes of real(x16)       ! padding occurred
!     i8(2) = upper 8 bytes of imag(x16)       ! padding occurred
!     b(1:8)= i8(1)                            ! padding occurred
!     b(9:16)= i8(2)                           ! padding occurred

Figure 12. Storage Relationships with -qautodbl=dblpad


In the figure above, the dashed lines represent the padding.

@process autodbl(dblpad)
      block data
      complex(4) x8      /(1.123456789e0,2.123456789e0)/
      real(16) r16(2)    /1.123q0,2.123q0/
      integer(8) i8(2)   /1000,2000/
      character*5 c(2)   /"abcde","12345"/
      common /named/ x8,r16,i8,c
      subroutine s()
         complex(8) x8
         real(16) r16(4)
         integer(8) i8(4)
         character*5 c(2)
         common /named/ x8,r16,i8,c
!          x8    = (1.123456789d0,2.123456789d0)   !  promotion occurred
!         r16(1) = 1.123q0                         !  padding occurred
!         r16(3) = 2.123q0                         !  padding occurred
!          i8(1) = 1000                            !  padding occurred
!          i8(3) = 2000                            !  padding occurred
!           c(1) = "abcde"                         !  no padding occurred
!           c(2) = "12345"                         !  no padding occurred
      end subroutine s

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