Appendix A. Optimization Library Messages

This appendix contains a list of all Optimization Library messages. For each message, there is an explanation of the message text, the resulting system action, and a recommended response. 

Message Conventions

Optimization Library messages are issued in the following format:

Figure 1. Message Format

  EKKnnnnx   message-text

The parts of the Optimization Library message are:

identifies the Optimization Library licensed program.
is the message identification number, where;

0001 through 2999 indicates an informational message.

3000 through 5999 indicates a warning message.

6000 through 6999 indicates an error, where the program may keep running, but the integrity of the code may be affected.

7000 through 8999 indicates a serious error, where the program usually stops running.

is either I, W, E, or S, where:
I indicates the message is informational.
W indicates the message is a warning.
E indicates an error.
S indicates a severe error.
describes the nature of the error. The message text may contain variables:

Ix indicates an integer variable, where x indicates the position in ivec when calling EKKMSGU.

Cx indicates a character variable, where x indicates the position in cvec when calling EKKMSGU.

Rx indicates a real doubleword variable, where x indicates the position in rvec when calling EKKMSGU.

Sx is the name of the Optimization Library subroutine, where x indicates the position in cvec when calling EKKMSGU. Along with the message text, this chapter provides the severity level of the message, an explanation of the message, the resulting system action, and a recommended user response.

indicates whether the message is Informational, a Warning, an Error, or a Severe error. This is also indicated in the message as described above.
elaborates on the meaning of the message.
System Action
describes what action the system will take depending on the type of message that occurs. The system action depends on the values specified in Table 11.

The system action specified in the message text assumes that the message has not occurred maxalw times and is in addition to the above items.

User Response
is a recommended course of action for you to take when you receive the specified message.

Return Codes

Each message has an associated return code. The return code passed back to your program is the return code associated with the first occurrence of the message with the highest severity that was issued by the Optimization Library subroutine. Informational messages have a return code of 0. The return code associated with warning, error, and severe error messages is provided under the system action portion of the message description.

In general, the severity of a message increases with the value of its return code. Each digit of the return code indicates a different condition. The return code has the form ABC, where:

Message Option Table

The following are the default values for the messages:

Table 11. Message Option Table Default Values

Message Number 


Number Allowed To Be Printed 

Number Allowed Before Program Stops 

Modifiable with EKKMSET 

MVS, VM, and AIX/370 Traceback Support 

EKK0001I - EKK0082I 











EKK0084I - EKK0258I 











EKK3000W - EKK3085W 






EKK6000E - EKK6038E 






EKK7000S - EKK7052S 










EKK7054S - EKK7096S 





List of OSL Messages

EKK0001I Iteration Number: I1; Objective Value: R1--Optimal

Severity: Informational

Explanation: After the specified number of iterations, an optimal solution has been found where the objective function has the value specified.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0002I Iteration Number: I1; Objective Value: R1--Stopped by User

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The problem has been stopped because:

  1. The maximum allowed number of iterations has been reached.
  2. You requested that processing stop, in a user exit subroutine.
  3. You requested that processing stop on various other conditions by setting integer control variable Istopmask in EKKIGET and EKKISET.
  4. You requested that processing stop when the maximum number of integer solutions were found by setting integer control variable Imaxsols in EKKIGET and EKKISET.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure this is what you intended. If not, adjust the appropriate control variables. See the EKKIGET or EKKISET subroutine for details. 

EKK0003I The sum of the primal infeasibilities is R1, and the number of primal infeasibilities is I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The sum and the number of primal infeasibilities at the current solution for the model are specified.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If the sum is small (and the problem has been declared infeasible), you may want to change the tolerances with EKKRGET and EKKRSET and restart the problem. Using a null slack basis will tend to isolate the infeasibilities in the rows instead of in the variables. 

EKK0004I The sum of the dual infeasibilities is R1, and the number of dual infeasibilities is I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The sum and the number of dual infeasibilities at the current solution for the model are specified.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If the sum is small, you may want to change the tolerances with EKKRGET and EKKRSET and restart the problem. 

EKK0005I Iteration Number: I1; Objective Value: R1--Unknown Status

Severity: Informational

Explanation: After the specified number of iterations, the solve subroutine has been stopped. The problem status is unknown. This may occur if you call EKKPSSL without calling the appropriate solve routine afterward.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Check the order of your calls to the subroutines. 

EKK0006I Optimization Subroutine Library Version C1 Page I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading that appears at the top of each page of output. It identifies the version and level of the Optimization Library code that you are using.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. This information is necessary when reporting problems with the library to IBM. 

EKK0007I Block storage type I1, Column base I2, Row base I3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is the heading indicating which block of the matrix will follow.

System Action: Execution continues. Additional information about the matrix block follows the heading. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0008I Description of Problem C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is the heading indicating the problem name. C1 is equivalent to character control variable Cname.

System Action: Execution continues. Problem statistics follow the heading. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0009I Problem Status

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is the heading indicating that a description of the problem status will follow.

System Action: Execution continues, with the current problem status to follow. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0010I Rows Section Page I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading indicating that information about the rows will follow.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0011I Columns Section Page I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading indicating that information about the columns will follow.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0012I Column I1, row I2 contains the invalid value R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The specified matrix element has a value of zero.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Recheck the matrix description to make sure there are no zero elements in sparse matrix format. Putting zero elements in sparse matrix formats is unnecessary and inefficient. 

EKK0013I Column I1, Row I2 has value R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The value of the specified matrix element is being printed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0014I Using C2 C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message gives information regarding which section of the MPS input file is used. For example, a possible message is Using RHS RHS001.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to use a different section, set the appropriate character control variable before calling EKKMPS. 

EKK0015I Indices to the following data areas were set before S1 was called

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A list of data areas that were set before calling subroutine S1 follows this message.

System Action: Execution continues. A list of indices will follow this message. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure this is what you intend. 

EKK0016I Matrix has I1 rows, I2 columns and I3 entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Statistics on the matrix size are being reported. The number of entries is the number of elements in the work matrix. Any discarded elements are not included in the count. The count of entries does not include those in the objective function.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0017I I1 type N rows were ignored; the original number of rows was I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: In an MPS input or output file, a row identified as type N is unconstrained. The first of these to be encountered is used as the objective function, and all others, except for the first one identified as the objective function change vector for LP parametrics, are ignored. While reading the MPS input file, I1 rows with indicator type N were ignored. The work matrix contains I2 - I1 rows.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Since these rows are unconstrained, no user action is required. If you want something other than the first type N row type, call EKKCSET before EKKMPS to set the objective function row name to the name of the N row you prefer. If you want to keep all N rows, set EKKISET control variable Ioneobj to 0 before calling EKKMPS. 

EKK0018I I1 elements in the type N rows above were discarded

Severity: Informational

Explanation: In an MPS input or output file, a row identified as type N is unconstrained. The first of these to be encountered is used as the objective function, and all others, except for the first one identified as the objective function change vector for LP parametrics, are ignored. While reading the MPS input file, all but one type N row was ignored. There were a total of I1 elements in these rows. These elements were discarded.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Because these rows are unconstrained, no user action is required. If you want something other than the first type N row type, call EKKCSET before EKKMPS to set the objective function row name to the name of the N row you prefer. If you want to keep all N rows, set EKKISET control variable Ioneobj to 0 before calling EKKMPS. 

EKK0019I There are I1 objective row entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message tells you how many nonzero entries are in the objective function row.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0020I I1 integer/SOS variables in I2 set(s)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The MPS input file contained I2 sets of integer variables and a total of I1 integer and special ordered set (SOS) variables.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0021I The initial range of the matrix coefficients is R1 - R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Information on the initial range of the constraint matrix coefficients (before scaling) is supplied as scaling of the coefficients is done.

System Action: The scaling process continues. A later message provides the range after scaling if it differs from the initial range. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0022I The scaled range of the matrix coefficients is R1 - R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Scaling of the matrix coefficients has been completed, and information is being given on the scaled range of the coefficients.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0023I OSL subroutine S1 is creating a new copy of the matrix or is modifying an old copy

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A library subroutine is creating a new copy of the constraint matrix, or is modifying an old copy.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0024I Previous scaling has been switched off because the matrix was saved unscaled

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The current model is scaled. EKKPSSL or EKKGTMD has been called and the saved model on the file is unscaled. OSL switched scaling off after the model is read in. This occurs, for example, when EKKSCAL is called between EKKPRSL and EKKPSSL or EKKPTMD and EKKGTMD.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0025I Previously rejected variables are now candidates

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is allowing variables that were previously rejected as candidates for the basis to be reconsidered.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0026I After presolving the matrix, there are I1 active columns, I2 active rows, and I3 active elements

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the number of columns that are not fixed (not at their upper or lower bound), the number of rows that are still constrained, and the number of elements in active rows or columns.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0027I Dual feasibility will be maintained in EKKCRSH, if possible

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have chosen the dual feasibility option in EKKCRSH. Only variables with zero entries in the objective function will be chosen as pivots. If an all-logical basis was dual feasible upon entering EKKCRSH, then the basis resulting from EKKCRSH will also be dual feasible.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0028I I1 columns have relaxed bounds; I2 variables have been put into the initial basis

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Because of more restrictive bounds, I1 variables can be considered free. I2 variables have been put into the basis.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0029I There are I1 zero pivots

Severity: Informational

Explanation: I1 basic variables have a value of zero. These variables do not affect the value of the objective function.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0030I There are I1 nonzero pivots

Severity: Informational

Explanation: I1 basic variables have a nonzero value. These variables do affect the value of the objective function.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If I1 is large, you may want to check the sum of infeasibilities before and after EKKCRSH to see whether EKKCRSH helped provide a good starting basis. 

EKK0031I EKKSSLV has finished the values pass

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKSSLV has been called with the init parameter set to 3, which inserts values for all variables and restarts the simplex algorithm. This message is issued after the values have been inserted.

System Action: Execution continues. If Istopmask is set to 1, OSL returns control to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0032I Computational difficulties: OSL is backtracking I1 iterations from iteration I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: After encountering numerical difficulties at the specified iteration, OSL is backtracking the specified number of iterations to refactor and correct the problem.

System Action: Execution continues, refactoring the problem and retrying the specified number of iterations. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If this message occurs frequently, have OSL factor the matrix more often by setting integer control variable Imaxfactor, to a lower value. 

EKK0033I The problem has been perturbed

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The OSL solve subroutine was not making any progress toward a solution, so it has perturbed the problem to allow further progress. In the primal algorithm, the RHS is perturbed; in the dual algorithm the objective function is perturbed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0034I Perturbation has ended

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is transforming the problem back to its original form after an earlier perturbation.

System Action: Execution continues using the opposite algorithm (primal or dual). The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0035I Variable I1 will cause instability and has been rejected

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The specified column (variable) has been rejected as a candidate for the basis because of a small pivot.

System Action: OSL chooses another variable and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0036I Factorization performance would be better with more storage

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message notifies you that the factorization of the matrix has slowed down because of the lack of storage provided to OSL.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: On this or similar problems, OSL performs better if given more storage by increasing the size of dspace.


EKKSMAP or index control variables Nfirstfree and Nlastfree can be used to check the amount of available free space. If this message occurs early in the solution process, you should increase the size of dspace

EKK0037I I1 logical variables were added during the initial factorization

Severity: Informational

Explanation: I1 variables were added to the matrix to complete the initial basis.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0038I Iterations/Objective Primal/Dual Infeasibilities

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is the heading for the output messages that follow. The messages that follow contain statistics on the progress of the solve subroutine.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0039I The optimality weight is now R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is changing the feasibility weight (real control variable Rpweight or Rdweight), which gives the relative importance of optimality to feasibility. A value close to 1 gives more weight to optimality, and a value close to 0 gives more weight to feasibility.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0040I The largest deviation of a nonbasic slack variable from its bounds is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The largest deviation of a nonbasic slack variable from its bounds is R1. After each factorization, OSL checks this error. Frequent occurrences of this message late in the solution process indicate stability problems.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0041I The maximum dual infeasibility of the basic variables is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The largest reduced cost (in absolute value) for any of the variables in the basis is R1. After each factorization, OSL checks this error. Frequent occurrences of this message late in the solution process indicate stability problems.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0042I An optimal solution has been found, but some columns were prohibited from entering the basis.

Severity: Informational

Explanation: An optimal solution has been found, but some columns were prohibited from entering the basis, because they would create an unstable basis. Five attempts to include these columns were made.

System Action: OSL returns control to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Scaling may help with this problem. You may want to call EKKSCAL in your program. 

EKK0043I OSL has reached an optimal solution to a perturbed problem

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL reached an optimal solution to a perturbed version of the original problem.

System Action: OSL will transform the problem back to the original problem and continue to seek the true optimum. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0044I Switching to Devex pricing--Success rate

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is switching from random pricing to Devex pricing, because the success rate with random pricing has dropped below an acceptable level.

System Action: OSL will continue with Devex pricing. If Istopmask is set to 1, OSL returns control to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0045I Switching to Devex pricing--Iterations

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is switching from random pricing to Devex pricing because OSL's iteration limit for random pricing has been reached.

System Action: OSL will continue with Devex pricing. If Istopmask is set to 1, OSL returns control to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0046I Switching to Devex pricing--Growth of factorization

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is switching from random pricing to Devex pricing because the growth in the size of the model matrix factorization indicates this will be more effective.

System Action: OSL will continue with Devex pricing. If Istopmask is set to 1, OSL returns control to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0047I S1 has been called with the vector option; however, a vector facility is not available

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKNWMT has been called with a vector option, even though a vector facility is not available.

System Action: OSL makes a copy of the matrix stored by columns and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0048I Integer control variable I1 has been changed from I2 to I3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Integer control variable I1 has been changed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0049I Real control variable I1 has been changed from R1 to R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Real control variable I1 has been changed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0050I Entering OSL subroutine S1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have invoked the specified OSL subroutine.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0051I There are I1 elements in the matrix block

Severity: Informational

Explanation: I1 is the number of elements in the matrix block.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0052I The matrix has duplicate columns; it seemed to have I1 columns, but it has I2 columns

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This matrix has duplicate columns. After the first column with a given name, subsequent columns with the same name are ignored.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Check the MPS input file for duplicate column names. 

EKK0053I EKKDSCM is being called with default settings for model number I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKDSCM has not yet been called for the current model. EKKDSCM is being called with the default settings (nblock=1) for the specified matrix.

System Action: EKKDSCM is called, allowing for one block in the matrix. OSL continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If the default settings used by EKKDSCM are acceptable, no action is required. 

EKK0054I On pivot row I1, the computed infeasibility is R1; the true infeasibility is R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: When the linear program is dual infeasible, a modified primal infeasibility is computed. This message is issued if the computed infeasibility differs from the true infeasibility.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0055I Variable: I1; Computed pivot: R1; True pivot: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: In the dual algorithm, the value of the pivot is computed twice. If the values are significantly different, this message is issued.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0056I Variable: I1; Computed reduced cost: R1; True reduced cost: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The value of the reduced cost is computed twice. If the values are significantly different, this message is issued.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0057I I1 R1 R2(I2) R3(I3)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is the log information that is issued during the matrix factorization. The values listed are:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0058I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0059I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0060I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0061I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading that is issued by EKKPRTS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0062I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKPRTS. It applies to the preceding message in your output. The status column indicates the status of a variable with a two-letter abbreviation as follows:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0063I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading that is issued by EKKPRTS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0064I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKPRTS. It applies to the preceding message in your output. The status column indicates the status of a variable with a two-letter abbreviation as follows:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0065I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0066I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0067I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0068I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0069I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0070I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0071I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0072I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0073I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0074I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0075I I1 to I2 and I3 to I4 are used in storage

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The first pair of numbers give the amount of storage used by OSL in dspace for matrix elements and common information in the low end of storage. The second pair gives the amount used for arrays,such as bounds, in the high end of storage.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0076I Adding column I1 to the matrix

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A column in the matrix is being added or changed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0077I Adding row I1 to the matrix

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A row in the matrix is being added or changed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0078I I1 C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message appears each time a new section of the MPS file is reached. It contains the card number at which the section begins followed by the name of the section that is beginning. For example, 23 ROWS means that the ROWS section begins with card 23 in the MPS input file.

System Action: Execution continues. The specified section is processed. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0079I I1 R1 I2 R2 (I3)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message appears every Ilogfreq iterations when using the simplex algorithm. The values listed are the iteration number, the objective value for the primal algorithm, and the number of negative reduced costs followed by the sum and the number of primal infeasibilities. For the dual algorithm, the number of primal infeasibilities followed by the sum and number of dual infeasibilities are listed.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0080I I1/I2 I3/I4 R1 R2 R3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is used for debugging. It lists the incoming variable and where it came from (1=lower bound, 2=upper bound, 3=free), the outgoing variable (1=to lower bound, 2=to upper bound, 0=to fixed), then the change in incoming variable, the pivot element, and the reduced cost.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0081I This application has I1 model(s)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This application contains the specified number of models.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0082I Creating an auxiliary information region

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Your program may have exited EKKSSLV before the optimal solution has been found, and perturbation is still in effect. The region will be saved by EKKHIS so that when returning to EKKSSLV, the perturbations will be correct. The other possibility is that the model is infeasible or unbounded. In this case this region gives more information, specifically, the unbounded ray. For more details see "EKKNGET - Request Current Start Indices of OSL Information" for information on the index control variables Nrowaux and Ncolaux. The region will also be saved and restored by EKKPTMD and EKKGTMD if the bounds or costs are saved.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0083I I1 to I2 and I3 to I4 are used in storage

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is automatically generated if the storage map changes between entry to and exit from a user-called subroutine. The first pair of numbers gives the amount of storage used by OSL in dspace for matrix elements and common information in the low end of storage. The second pair gives the amount used for arrays, such as bounds, in the high end of storage.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0084I The primal algorithm has been chosen

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have allowed OSL to choose the algorithm used in EKKSSLV by calling EKKSSLV with the alg parameter set to 0. OSL has chosen the primal algorithm.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0085I The dual algorithm has been chosen

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have allowed OSL to choose the algorithm used in EKKSSLV by calling EKKSSLV with the alg parameter set to 0. OSL has chosen the dual algorithm.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0086I A matrix block was not created because no elements were passed

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKLMDL was called with the nel parameter set to 0. OSL set up its data structures for this matrix, but the matrix is currently empty.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0087I I1 I2 R1 I4 R2 C1 (I3) R4 R3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is printed after a good branch. It gives the node, parent, objective value, branching variable or set, branching value and direction, the number of integer infeasibilities, the actual change of objective on a branch, and the estimated change.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0088I The tree history region can hold I1 nodes

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The tree history region has enough space allocated to hold the specified number of nodes.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If EKKMSLV runs out of space, increase the size of dspace and rerun your program. 

EKK0089I The short node information region (active node list) can hold I1 active nodes

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The short node information region has enough space allocated to hold the specified number of active nodes.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If EKKMSLV runs out of space, increase the size of dspace and rerun your program. 

EKK0090I I1 storage buffers of 1024 bytes have been allocated for bases

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The specified number of storage buffers of 1024 bytes has been allocated for reading and writing the basis modification to or from a work file.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If EKKMSLV runs out of space, increase the size of dspace and rerun your program. 

EKK0091I I1 storage buffers of 4096 bytes have been allocated for modifications

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The specified number of storage buffers of 4096 bytes has been allocated for processing matrix modifications from a work file.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If EKKMSLV runs out of space, increase the size of dspace and rerun your program. 

EKK0092I The short node information region (active node list) size has been increased to hold I1 active nodes

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The space for the short node information region has been increased to hold the specified number of active nodes.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0093I The tree history region has been increased to hold I1 nodes

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The space for the tree history region has been increased to hold the specified number of nodes.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0094I Rounding to integral values for variable I1 gives bounds of R1 and R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Variable I1 is an integer variable, but its bounds were not specified as integral values. The bounds have been changed to those specified.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0095I I1 I2 R1 I4 R2 C1; Cutoff

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is printed after a branch where the objective value dropped below the best solution. It gives the node, parent, objective value, branching variable, and the value and direction of the branch.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0096I The lower bound on C1 has been increased to R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL processing has increased the lower bound of the specified variable to the value indicated. This occurred because the variable was at its upper bound and the absolute value of its reduced cost was greater than the difference between the current solution and the current cutoff.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0097I Node Unsatisfied Objective Degradation

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is the heading for branch information that is printed every 50 branches.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0098I There are I1 active nodes, I2 basis records, and I3 matrix records

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is printed for every 50 branches. It shows the specific numbers of active nodes, basis records, and matrix records.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0099I The best estimated solution is R1, and the best possible solution is R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is printed for every 50 branches to indicate the best estimated and the best possible solution.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0100I Node Parent Objective Seq Value Way Unsat Change

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading for the branch information in the output messages that follow.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0101I I1 R1 (Continuous) (I3)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the iteration number, the value of the objective function of the continuous solution, and the number of integer infeasibilities.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0102I I1 I2 R1 I4 R2 C1 (Infeasible)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is printed after an infeasible branch and provides the node, parent, objective value, branching variable, and the value and direction of the branch.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0103I There is a new target of R1 for the best solution

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL has decided on a default target best solution for the search. The default value is 5% worse than continuous optimum.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: This target may be changed by setting real control variable Rtarget

EKK0104I Degradations will be scaled by R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Real control variable Rdegscale was set to zero, and a default has been computed so that the effective estimated solution is the target.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0105I Integer LP Name Value

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a heading that describes the fields used to print information about the nonzero integer values found in the problem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0106I A solution of R1 has been found after I2 nodes and I1 iterations

Severity: Informational

Explanation: After processing the specified number of nodes for the specified number of iterations, the specified integer solution has been found.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0107I The search is complete after I2 nodes and I1 iterations; the best integer solution has been found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: After processing the specified number of nodes for the specified number of iterations, the best integer solution has been found.

System Action: OSL restores the best solution and returns to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0108I No solution was found that is better than R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A solution has not been found that is better than the indicated cutoff value, R1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0109I The best solution, R1, is being restored

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Of all the solutions found, the best is restored.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0110I The upper bound on C1 has been decreased to R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL processing has decreased the upper bound of the specified variable to the value specified. This happened because the variable was at its lower bound and the absolute value of its reduced cost was greater than the difference between the current solution and the current cutoff.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0111I The bounds for variable C1 are (R1,R2)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: After rounding the bounds to integral values, the lower bound for the given variable is greater than its upper bound.

System Action: Execution continues, but it may later stop because of problem infeasibilities. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Check your model formulation. 

EKK0112I The search has stopped on nodes after I1 nodes and I2 iterations

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKMSLV returns to your program because the specified number of nodes, Imaxnodes, or iterations, Imaxiter, has been reached.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: To continue the search, change the values you specified for integer control variables Imaxnodes and Imaxiter. 

EKK0113I The search has stopped on solutions after I2 nodes and I1 iterations

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKMSLV returns to your program because the specified number of solutions, Imaxsols, has been found.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Increase the values or counts, if desired, by changing integer control variable Imaxsols. 

EKK0114I I1 I2 C1 R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides information about nonzero integer values. It provides the name of variable, the integer sequence, the matrix sequence, and the value.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0115I There are I1 records on direct access file I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The integer file defined by the specified direct access file was opened and contains the specified number of records.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0116I Restoring integer information with I1 integers and I2 sets

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKGTMD was called and has restored the integer information for a model from a file.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0117I Increasing basis buffers to hold I1 records

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of storage buffers for basis modifications is being increased to hold the specified number of records.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0118I Increasing matrix buffers to hold I1 records

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of storage buffers for matrix modifications is being increased to hold the specified number of records.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0119I Data defined by parameter I1 will not be moved

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Data specified in parameter I1 in a call to EKKDSCB or EKKLMDL already exists in dspace. OSL will refer to the existing data rather than create an additional copy.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0120I Data defined by parameter I1 overlaps data for I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The data specified by parameter I2 in a call to EKKDSCB or EKKLMDL begins in the middle of the data specified by parameter I1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure that this is what you intended. 

EKK0121I C1 region and C2 section have I1 elements

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of elements in the specified region (either bounds, row duals, reduced costs, or original costs) for the specified section (either rows or columns) is provided. Additional messages follow that provide a breakdown of all the elements.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0122I Breakdown of I1 negative entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of negative elements in the region specified by message EKK0121I is I1. Additional messages follow that provide a breakdown of the number of negative elements in a given range.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0123I Breakdown of I1 positive entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of positive elements in the region specified by message EKK0121I is I1. Additional messages follow that provide a breakdown of the number of positive elements in a given range.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0124I I1 of the entries in the region had a value of zero

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of elements in the region specified by EKK0121I that are equal to zero is I1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0125I I1 entries <= R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: There are I1 elements in the region specified by message EKK0121I that are positive or negative, as specified in message EKK0122I or EKK0123I, and are less than or equal to R2.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0126I R1 < I1 entries <= R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: There are I1 elements in the region specified by message EKK0121I that are positive or negative, as specified in message EKK0122I or EKK0123I, and are greater than R1 and less than or equal to R2.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0127I I1 entries = 1.0

Severity: Informational

Explanation: There are I1 elements in the region specified by EKK0121I that are equal to 1.0.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0128I R1 < I1 entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: There are I1 elements in the region specified by EKK0121I that are positive or negative, as specified in message EKK0122I or EKK0123I, and are greater than R1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0129I There is room for I1 elements in EKKCOL and EKKROW

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The amount of space allotted for the matrix has left room for additional rows, columns, and elements in EKKCOL and EKKROW. You may have also passed zero elements in a call to EKKDSCB or EKKLMDL.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you think you passed enough elements in the call to EKKDSCB or EKKLMDL, check your specification of the mrow or mcol arrays. You may have put a nonpositive value in these arrays. 

EKK0130I Vector hardware is not available on your machine

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have requested that OSL use vector hardware on a machine that does not have vector hardware.

System Action: OSL will continue to run using the available scalar hardware. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If vector hardware is required, the job must be rerun on a vector machine. 

EKK0131I Adding block I1 to model I2 with space for I3 elements

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A new overflow block is being added by EKKROW or EKKCOL.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0132I S1 will create this data as model I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: S1 is creating model I1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0133I S1 will create this data as block I2 of model I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Subroutine S1 is adding block I2 to the matrix in model I1, block I2.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0134I Saving model information as model I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKPTMI is saving the model information as the specified model.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0135I Restoring model information for model I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKGTMI is restoring the model information for the specified model. It now becomes the current model.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0136I Quadratic section C1 has I1 entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message gives an indication of the density of the quadratic part of the matrix. C1 gives the name of the quadratic section.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0137I Resetting the zero tolerance to R1 because of a transformed cost error at iteration I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Two theoretically equivalent values have been found to differ, making it necessary to allow larger numbers to be interpreted as zero during this iteration and possibly during successive iterations.

System Action: Execution continues after setting the zero tolerance to R1. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0138I Resetting the zero tolerance to R1 at iteration I1 due to a quadratic cost error

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Two theoretically equivalent values have been found to differ, making it necessary to allow larger numbers to be interpreted as zero during this iteration and possibly during successive iterations.

System Action: Execution continues after setting the zero tolerance to R1. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0139I Iteration number: I1; Basis size: I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the current iteration number and the number of columns in the current basis.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0140I The maximum primal infeasibility is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the size of the largest primal constraint violation.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0141I The maximum dual infeasibility is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the size of the largest dual constraint violation.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0142I The level of the quadratic parameter lambda is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the current value of the quadratic parameter &lambda..

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0143I Running the primal algorithm with the quadratic parameter lambda set to R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The primal algorithm will be used to solve the problem corresponding to a quadratic parameter &lambda. of R1.

System Action: OSL performs the primal quadratic programming algorithm. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0144I Running the dual algorithm with the quadratic parameter lambda set to R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The dual algorithm will be used to solve the problem corresponding to a quadratic parameter &lambda. of R1.

System Action: OSL performs the dual quadratic programming algorithm. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: See "Parametric Algorithm" for more information on &lambda.. 

EKK0145I Inumrows: I1; Inumcols: I2; Robjweight: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the values of control variables, Inumrows, Inumcols, and Robjweight.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0146I Rmuinit: R1; Rmufactor: R2; Rmulimit: R3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the values of control variables, Rmuinit, Rmufactor, and Rmulimit.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0147I Rstepmult: R1; Rrgfactor: R2; Rrglimit: R3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the values of control variables, Rstepmult, Rrgfactor, and Rrglimit.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0148I Rfixvar1: R1; Rfixvar2: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the values of control variables, Rfixvar1 and Rfixvar2.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0149I Norm of RHS: R1; Norm of objective row: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: R1 is the norm of RHS on entry. R2 is the norm of objective row on entry to the barrier algorithm.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0150I Imaxprojns: I1; Rprojtol: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the values of the control variables Imaxprojns and Rprojtol.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0151I Norm of direction residual: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the value of concat biA bip concat divslash concat bip concat if it is greater than the zero tolerance or if the direction is being refined.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0152I Itn Infeas Objective Norm X Norm D RGnorm RGtol Step Len Step Max Bar Par Rank L Cond L LSQR Fix

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a heading for the primal barrier method iteration log. The meaning of each entry in the log is:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0153I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is the log information that is issued at each primal barrier method iteration. It provides information about the progress being made during each iteration of EKKBSLV. A description of each of the fields can be found in the explanation of message EKK0152I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0154I Number of elements in adjacency matrix: I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the number of nonzero elements in the adjacency matrix biA biA sup T.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0155I Number of dense columns with more than I2 elements is I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: If a column contains more than I2 (Idensecol) nonzero elements, it is considered to be dense. The number of dense columns in the matrix A is I1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0156I I1 columns of the Cholesky factor L are being treated as sparse; the remainder are considered dense

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of sparse columns of the Cholesky factor L after performing symbolic factorization of biA biD sup 2 biA sup T is provided. The remainder have a density greater than real control variable Rdensethr and are treated as dense.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0157I There are I1 nonzeros in Cholesky factor L

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of nonzero elements in Cholesky factor L, after performing symbolic factorization of biA biD sup 2 biA sup T is provided.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0158I Switching normal matrix formation to Iformntype=1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV attempted to build an outer product list of the columns of the constraint matrix A and map it onto L, but it did not have enough storage.

System Action: A different method of computing biA biD sup 2 biA sup T will be used, which only needs space for storage by rows and columns. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None, or you can increase the size of dspace to improve performance. 

EKK0159I Already at final mu--accepting artificial value of R1 as feasible

Severity: Informational

Explanation: &mu. has reached its final value and has passed the target for the reduced gradient. The present value of the artificial variable will be accepted as sufficient.

System Action: Phase 1 is ended, and EKKBSLV begins phase 2. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0160I Mu has been reduced to R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV reduced &mu. below the usual final value in an attempt to become feasible.

System Action: &mu. is reduced to the indicated value, and phase 1 continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0161I The reduced gradient norm R1 is too small to continue processing

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The value of the reduced gradient norm is specified in the message. It has become very small relative to the dual values. In phase 1, infeasibility is assumed. In phase 2, optimality is assumed.

System Action: The current phase is ended, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0162I Exiting phase 1; Objective Value: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Feasibility (or near-feasibility) has been attained in EKKBSLV.

System Action: Phase 2 begins. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0163I The norm of the recomputed artificial variable is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Numerical difficulties caused the supposedly feasible solution obtained at the end of phase 1 to be erroneous.

System Action: The algorithm returns to phase 1 and makes one more attempt to complete it successfully. If the situation occurs twice, infeasibility is assumed. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Check for numerical difficulties, such as poor accuracy of null space projections or a large number of LSQR iterations. See "Interior-Point Barrier (EKKBSLV)" for more information. 

EKK0164I Accepting maximum row error of R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A relaxed feasibility requirement is accepted. The largest constraint violation is specified.

System Action: Phase 2 begins, even though some infeasibility remained after phase 1. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0165I Returning to phase 1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Another attempt at phase 1 is being made after a spurious feasible solution was declared.

System Action: Additional phase 1 iterations are performed. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0166I Accepting maximum row error of R1 on row I1--status is I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Execution continues after a second try at phase 1 with a relaxed feasibility criterion. The worst constraint violation is specified along with the row on which it occurs and the status of that row. A positive status indicates the row is binding. A zero status indicates that it has been identified on the latest iteration as potentially redundant. A negative status indicates that it has previously been declared redundant in the interior-point barrier algorithm.

System Action: Phase 2 is initiated. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0167I Phase 1 solution is complementary--largest complementarity violation is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Complementarity conditions are met to the degree shown on entry to phase 2. A complementarity violation is the product of a primal variable and its corresponding dual variable, such as a primal variable and its reduced cost. The theoretical requirement for optimality is that these products be zero.

System Action: Phase 2 is bypassed. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0168I Ending phase 2; Objective Value: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Phase 2 is complete or has been found unnecessary and was bypassed.

System Action: Optimality is assumed, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0169I Norm of row errors: R1; Barrier parameter mu: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued after the completion of the current phase.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0170I Iteration limit (I1) has been exceeded; Objective Value: R1; Infeasibility: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of iterations has exceeded the maximum permitted for the barrier algorithm specified by Imaxiterb.

System Action: Since sslvswch, the fourth parameter in the call to EKKBSLV, is set to 0 or 1, EKKBSLV returns to the program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If this is a problem, do one or both of the following:

EKK0171I Final mu: R1; Solution norm: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The final value of &mu. and the solution norm are specified.

System Action: &mu. is set to the final value displayed, and the final status is set. Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0172I The objective is not improving

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The problem is in phase 2, &mu. is at its final value, and the objective has remained stationary or has actually degraded in absolute value.

System Action: Phase 2 will end, and optimality is assumed. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0173I The change in objective value is very small

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The problem is in phase 2, &mu. is at its final value, and the objective is changing in only the seventh or higher significant figure.

System Action: Phase 2 will end, and optimality is assumed. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0174I I1 columns are tentatively marked as basic; I2 variables are infeasible; I3 variables are interior

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV has completed the barrier portion of the algorithm and is switching to the simplex method. The number of basic columns to be used initially by EKKSSLV is I1. Using the simplex definition of infeasibility, I2 variables are infeasible. I3 variables are strictly interior. The number of interior variables gives a lower bound on the number of iterations. This allows you to see whether the crossover from EKKBSLV to EKKSSLV is appropriate. The number of infeasibilities may give you an indication that you should change some EKKBSLV control variable tolerances so EKKBSLV does more iterations.

System Action: EKKSSLV will now be called. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0175I Norm of the solution residual: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: If integer control variable Inullcheck is positive, the recomputed norm of the solution residual is provided as a check on feasibility.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0176I More space is needed for the adjacency matrix; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough storage in dspace to store the adjacency matrix.

System Action: Since sslvswch=3, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace if you want to solve the problem using an interior-point barrier algorithm. 

EKK0177I More space is needed for Cholesky factorization; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough space to do a symbolic factorization of biA biD sup 2 biA sup T.

System Action: Since sslvswch=3, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make dspace larger if you want to solve the problem using an interior-point barrier algorithm. 

EKK0178I The model is infeasible at I1 iterations; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV found the model to be infeasible after I1 iterations.

System Action: Since sslvswch0, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, do one or both of the following:

EKK0179I The model is unbounded at I1 iterations; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBSLV found the model to be unbounded after I1 iterations.

System Action: Since sslvswch0, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, modify the control variables so EKKBSLV has a better chance of finding a good solution:

EKK0180I The line search failed because of computational difficulties; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Unanticipated computational difficulties have resulted in no valid step length being found. This is an unrecoverable error in the barrier method.

System Action: Since sslvswch0, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, modify the control variables that affect numerical stability. 

EKK0181I Unable to obtain feasibility; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Phase 1 of EKKBSLV was unable to obtain even a relaxed feasible solution because of computational difficulties.

System Action: Since sslvswch0, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, do one or more of the following:

EKK0182I Iteration limit (I1) has been exceeded; Objective Value = R1; Infeasibility = R2; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of iterations has exceeded the maximum permitted for the barrier algorithm specified by Imaxiterb.

System Action: Since sslvswch 1, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, do one or both of the following:

EKK0183I Real control variable Rmaxmin is set to R1; its value for quadratic programming is assumed to be 1.0D0

Severity: Informational

Explanation: For quadratic programming, the only valid value for Rmaxmin is 1.0D0.

System Action: The value of Rmaxmin is ignored, and processing proceeds as if it had had a value of 1.0D0. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: EKKQSLV and EKKQPAR only solve minimization problems. Reformulate your maximization problem to be a minimization problem. 

EKK0184I The optimal integer solution of R1 has been found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKMPRE has proved that there is no possible integer solution better than the best one found. There is no reason to enter EKKMSLV.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0185I EKKMPS will read this file in free format

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKMPS has encountered the word FREE in field 3 of a NAME card in the MPS file specified by the unit parameter in the call to EKKMPS. This means that this file will be read using free format.

System Action: OSL reads the file in free format and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure you want to use free format. In most cases, reading an MPS file in fixed format is more efficient. 

EKK0186I The number of row or column names is greater than the number that can be used or retrieved

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of user-provided row or column names to be used by EKKNAME or the number of names to be retrieved from dspace, as indicated by the parameter numrow or numcol, is greater than the number from the starting row or column to the end of the matrix.

System Action: OSL uses or retrieves as many names as possible and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to use or retrieve all the names you intend, decrease the starting row or column or use a smaller number of names. 

EKK0187I The starting row or column for the addition or retrieval of names is greater than the maximum number of rows or columns

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The starting row or column provided to EKKNAME, as indicated by the parameter startrow or startcol, is greater than the value of Imaxrows or Imaxcols.

System Action: OSL adds none of the user-defined row or column names or retrieves no names from dspace and then continues running. If OSL will be generating names, these will be added starting at the first row or column. If OSL is retrieving names, they will be placed at the beginning of the array passed to EKKNAME. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to add the names you provide to EKKNAME, or retrieve names from dspace, set the parameter startrow or startcol to a positive value that is one less than the value of the integer control variable Imaxrows or Imaxcols. 

EKK0188I Changing upper bound of row I1 from R1 to R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A change in the upper bound for the activity of row I1 has been detected, and the specified change is being made in the network data structures.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0189I Changing lower bound of row I1 from R1 to R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A change in the lower bound for the activity of row I1 has been detected, and the specified change is being made in the OSL data structures.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0190I Starting from an artificial basis

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The solve subroutine is starting the solution process from an artificial basis.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0191I Row or column names are not defined; Selection lists will be initialized

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Because row or column names are not defined for the problem matrix, EKKSEL will only initialize the selection lists.

System Action: OSL sets the last bit of each fullword in the selection lists to 1 and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If you want to use EKKSEL to modify selection lists based on a comparison with row or column names, add names to your matrix by calling EKKNAME. 

EKK0192I EKKSPAR has completed successfully

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKSPAR has completed successfully.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0193I Robjval=R1; Rslambda=R2; C1 entered and C2 exited the basis

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This log line from EKKSPAR states the current value of the objective function, the current value of the parameter Rslambda, and information about the basis change at this point.

System Action: OSL calls EKKITRU with reason=11 and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0194I Robjval=R1; Rslambda=R2 at an increment point

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This log line from EKKSPAR states the current value of the objective function, the current value of the parameter Rslambda, and also describes an increment point of the algorithm.

System Action: OSL calls EKKITRU with reason=10 and continues running. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0195I OSL has shifted your problem because Rslambda=R1 is not 0.0D0 and some parametric vectors exist

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL has shifted your original costs, row bounds, or column bounds because Rslambda is nonzero and some parametric change vectors exist.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure that this is what you want. It may be that these values are remaining from a call to EKKSPAR or an incorrect call to EKKRSET. If you did not want to shift your problem, reset Rslambda to 0.0D0 before calling the subroutine that issued this message. 

EKK0196I The longest matrix column has I1 elements

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. It provides the largest number of nonzeros in any column of the constraint matrix.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: If this value is large and the Cholesky factors have so many nonzeros that the interior point solution is difficult or expensive in terms of time or memory requirements, you may want to do one of the following:

EKK0197I Total CPU time=R1; CPU time in OSL subroutine S1=R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: If real control variable Rprintcpu was set to a positive value x.xx, any OSL subroutine that takes more than x.xx seconds prints this message, which indicates the amount of time the subroutine used and the total CPU time used by OSL to this point. The times are printed to two decimal places and, therefore, may be printed as zero if the value of Rprintcpu is small. Note that if a call to EKKRSET changes the value of Rprintcpu, the subroutine time specified by this message may not be correct. If Rprintcpu is set to 0.0, this message will not be issued.


If the timer returns a nonzero return code (if, for example, you are sampling using the VS FORTRAN Interactive Debug), timings are not printed. 

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0198I Iteration=I1; Objective=R1; Primal Infeasibilities=R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides log information, where:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0199I Starting heuristic pass I1 with a bound of R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have asked EKKMPRE to try some heuristic passes. This message confirms the progress. Passes which result in a better solution do not count toward the number of passes.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0200I EKKQSLV was called with no quadratic matrix; the linear problem is being solved by EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: No quadratic matrix was entered before calling EKKQSLV. EKKSSLV is being invoked to solve the linear programming problem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure the problem data has been entered correctly. 

EKK0201I Nrow=I1; Ncol=I2; Rpdgaptol=R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV, where:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0202I Rpdstepmult=R1; Rfixvar1=R2; Rfixvar2=R3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV, where:

If a variable approaches within the appropriate tolerance of one of its bounds, it is fixed to that bound for the remainder of the algorithm.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0203I Itn Infeas Objective Norm X Norm D Du. Inf Du. Object Pr. Step Du. Step Bar Par Rank L Cond L CG Fix

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a column heading issued by EKKBSLV for the barrier primal-dual iteration log. The meaning of each entry in the log is:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0204I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the barrier method iteration log. It provides information about the progress being made during each iteration of EKKBSLV. A description of each of the fields can be found in the explanation of EKK0203I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0205I Ending primal-dual algorithm with predictor-corrector approach; Objective: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The primal-dual algorithm with the predictor-corrector approach ends.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0206I Absolute 2-norm of row errors: R1; Barrier parameter: R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. It provides the absolute 2-norm (Euclidean Norm) of the row errors on completion of the algorithm and gives the final value of the barrier parameter.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0207I Ending primal-dual barrier method; Objective: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The primal-dual barrier method ends.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0208I The relative direction accuracy is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. It gives the value of concat <biA (bix + bip) minus bib concat divslash concat bix concat, where p is the computed direction if p is greater than the zero tolerance (normally 10 sup -12) or if the direction is being refined.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0209I The relative corrected direction accuracy is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. It gives the value of concat <biA (bix + bip) minus bib concat divslash concat bix concat, where p is the corrected direction if p is greater than the zero tolerance (normally 10 sup -12) or if the direction is being refined.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0210I The maximum bound infeasibility is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. It gives the value of the worst violation of an upper bound constraint, that is, max lvbar <U sub i minus <x sub i minus <s sub i rvbar, where U sub i is the upper bound on x sub i, and s sub i is the value currently assigned to the slack on this bound constraint.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0211I I1 variables are defined as integers but are not included in any set

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Some or all of the variables in the ints array of EKKIMDL were not included in any set. An extra set with priority 1000 will be created to include these variables.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0212I I1 variables are defined in more than one set

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Some or all of the variables in the ints array of EKKIMDL were included in more than one set. Be careful if you specify a maximum value for integer information because this may need to be larger than the value for the number of integer variables.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0213I Sensitivity to Objective Function Page I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is the heading of the EKKPRTS section providing the results of the call to EKKSOBJ.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0214I Sensitivity to Row Bounds Page I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is the heading of the EKKPRTS section providing the results of the call to EKKSBND.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0215I Sensitivity to Column Bounds Page I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is the heading of the EKKPRTS section providing the results of the call to EKKSBND.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0216I EKKSPAR has found that your problem is again feasible; Rslambda=R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKSPAR has determined that your problem is again feasible.

System Action: OSL continues processing. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0217I Quadratic Iteration Number: I1; Objective Function Lower Bound: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the current EKKQSLV iteration number and a lower bound for the optimal value of the objective function.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0218I Quadratic Iteration Number: I1; Objective Function Upper Bound: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the EKKQSLV current iteration number and an upper bound for the optimal value of the objective function.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0219I Converting the decomposition solution into a basic solution

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL is creating a basic solution corresponding to a solution obtained from iterative linear programming.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0220I Quadratic Iteration Number: I1; Quadratic Objective Value: R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the current EKKQSLV iteration number and the value of the objective function.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0221I A complementary basic solution was found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: Primal and dual solutions have been found that are basic and that satisfy the complementary slackness condition.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0222I I1 blocks were found; I2 columns and I3 rows are in the master problem

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKLPDC has been successful in finding a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition of the problem. The number of columns reported is the number of columns that have no entries in any block. Details of the size of each block will be provided by later messages. If the number in each block is too small and you have used the default for the number of blocks, the number of blocks will be reduced so each block has a reasonable number of columns and rows.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0223I Block I1 has I2 columns and I3 rows

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the statistics for each block.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0224I The number of blocks was reduced to I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You did not specify a number of blocks in your call to EKKLPDC. The number of rows and columns in some blocks is too small (less than 20 rows and 50 columns), so blocks have been combined.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Make sure the number of blocks is reasonable. If it is not, specify the number of blocks in your call to EKKLPDC. 

EKK0225I Block I1 has I2 columns and I3 rows; I4 columns link to next block

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message gives the statistics for each block.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0226I I1 staircase blocks were found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKLPDC has been successful in decomposing the problem assuming a staircase structure.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0227I Assuming block numbers have been provided in the row status region

Severity: Informational

Explanation: You have passed block numbers to EKKLPDC. Any error messages indicate that the row status region should be examined closely.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0228I The proposal has I1 entries

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The current subproblem has generated a proposal for the master problem with the specified number of nonzero entries. If this number is large, the master may suffer from loss of accuracy and slow convergence.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0229I R1% of resources were allocated to block I1; R2% of the total resources have been allocated

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The specified percentage of total problem resources (bounds for master rows) have been allocated to this subproblem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0230I A 0-1 solution with value of R1 found after I1 iterations

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A solution with the specified value has been found inside a supernode. The supernode will continue until it normally exits. Any number of solutions inside a single supernode count as just one solution for EKKMSLV because some solutions are obtained by heuristics, rather than by branching.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0231I 0-1 variables are satisfied but are not necessarily a valid solution

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The problem has 0-1 variables and also general integer variables or special ordered sets whose definition is more general than 0-1. The supernode can do no more work and will return to standard branch-and-bound methods, as long as all 0-1 variables are satisfied.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: As branching is done on priorities, thought should be given to which should be satisfied first: the 0-1 variables or all others. 

EKK0232I Objective multiple of R3; Control variable Rimprove was increased from R1 to R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: On examination of the objective values, EKKMPRE has determined that all valid 0-1 solutions must have an objective value that is an integral multiple of the specified value. The control variable Rimprove will be increased to 0.9999 of that value. Exactly that value may cut off a valid solution due to a rounding error.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0233I Creating a node for I1/I2 Obj R1; Unsatisfied I3

Severity: Informational

Explanation: On exiting from a supernode, EKKMSLV creates nodes for all decisions made during its heuristic phase. The first value is the variable branched on with its new value. If its new value is zero, the second value is the number of variables set to zero by the decision.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0234I Pass Fixed Unsat Obj Rows Impl Sets Matels Chn

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is the heading for a summary of changes made during one pass inside a supernode, where:

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0235I I1I2I3R1I4I5I6I7I8

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides a summary of the changes made during one normal pass inside a supernode. For explanations of the fields, see message EKK0234I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0236I I1I2I3R1I4I5I6I7I8 Inf(Logical)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides a summary of the changes made during a pass inside a supernode, which finds that the problem is infeasible by using probing or other methods. For explanations of the fields, see message EKK0234I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0237I I1I2I3R1I4I5I6I7I8 Inf(LP)

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a summary of changes made during a pass inside a supernode, which finds that the problem is infeasible or below bound after the linear programming solution. For explanations of the fields, see message EKK0234I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0238I I1I2I3R1I4I5I6I7I8 Exiting

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a summary of the changes made during a pass inside a supernode, after which the supernode decided to exit to EKKMSLV. For explanations of the fields, see message EKK0234I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0239I I1I2I3R1I4I5I6I7I8 Solution

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is a summary of changes made during a pass inside a supernode, after which the supernode has found a 0-1 solution. For explanations of the fields, see message EKK0234I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0240I EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV, which has been called with alg=0. OSL has determined that it is more efficient to process the model using the simplex method.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0241I The number of rows has increased to I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A call to EKKDSCB has increased the number of rows in the constraint matrix.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0242I The number of columns has increased to I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A call to EKKDSCB has increased the number of columns in the constraint matrix.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0243I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is an MPS card image. It applies to the preceding message in your output.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0244I EKKSPAR has experienced difficulties and will call EKKSSLV to recover; Rslambda=R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKSPAR has experienced numerical difficulties. To recover, real control variable Rslambda is incremented by real control variable Rtolpinf, and EKKSSLV is called.

System Action: After calling EKKSSLV, Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0245I Transforming model I1 into model I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL creates a new model by replacing the general integer variables with a linear combination of binary variables.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0246I Original model has been transformed

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The routine has successfully transformed the general integer MIP to a 0/1 MIP problem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0247I Original model has not been transformed

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The routine has not been successful in transforming the general integer MIP to a 0/1 MIP problem. This may be due to a failed attempt at memory allocation or due to other processing errors.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0248I Transforming model I2 back into model I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKBMPS has successfully transformed the solution of the transformed model to the original general integer variables.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0249I No SOS of type 1 or 3 was found.

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKSOS did not find any special ordered sets of type 1 or 3.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0250I Number of SOS of type 1 or 3 is I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKSOS recognized the specified number of SOS of type 1 or 3.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0251I Initially violated bounds

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a header message that precedes EKK0252I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0252I row/col no. lower bound activity upper bound name

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This header message is printed at the top of a list of names corresponding to rows and/or columns that had infeasible activities after OSL determined infeasibility.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0253I row I1 R1 R2 R3 C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the row number, name, lower bound, activity, and upper bound for a row for which a bound was violated after OSL had determined infeasibility.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0254I The solution range(s): C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the spreadsheet range(s) containing the problem variables (or adjustable cells).

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0255I The constraint range(s): C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the spreadsheet range(s) containing logical formulas to be used as constraints.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0256I The objective cell is C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the spreadsheet cell that contains a formula to be maximized or minimized.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0257I SOS of type I1: C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message indicates the spreadsheet range(s) containing SOS sets of the specified type.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0258I Adding column EKKCONST to account for constant in objective

Severity: Informational

Explanation: A column has been added to the problem in order to bring an additive constant into the objective function. The lower and upper bounds of the column are 1, and the objective row entry for the column is equal to the additive constant.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0259I Optimization Subroutine Library Version C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This message provides the version, release, and level of the OSL code you are using.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. This information is necessary when reporting OSL problems to IBM. 

EKK0262I Changing number of stripes from I1 to I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The number of stripes which the user chose was inappropriate for the number of CPU's being used. This may be because the stripes would be too small or because there must be at least as many stripes as CPUs.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: Correct value of Istripes or set to default of 0. 

EKK0263I C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: If the appropriate value of Iloglevel is set then the number of rows in each stripe is printed - 10 to a line.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0264I Blocked Cholesky will use I1 stripes and I2 blocks

Severity: Informational

Explanation: OSL has decided how to block the Cholesky factorization. Normally the number of blocks is the maximum given the number of stripes. If the Cholesky has structure, it may be possible to use EKKBLKU to reduce the number of blocks to give better performance.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0275I EKKPSSL: Objective value R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows the objective value corresponding to the current solution.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0276I EKKPSSL: Worst primal infeasibility R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows the magnitude of the largest violation to column or row bounds.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0277I EKKPSSL: Worst complementary slackness R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows the magnitude of the largest violation of the complementary slackness conditions. See the discussion of dual variables in the Advanced Topics section for more information about the complementary slackness conditions.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0278I EKKPSSL: Primal objective value R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows the primal objective value after postsolving the problem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0279I EKKPSSL: Dual objective value R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows the dual objective value after postsolving the problem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0280I Reducing primal step length from R1 to R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates a reduction in primal step length for the interior point LP solver to preserve convergence.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0281I Reducing dual step length from R1 to R2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates a reduction in dual step length for the interior point LP solver to preserve convergence.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0282I Total complementarity is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows the sum of the violations of the complementarity conditions.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0283I Total complementarity is R1 - terminating

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This shows that the sum of the violations of the complementarity conditions has become small enough for termination.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0284I Corrector rejected - using primal-dual step

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates that using the corrected direction would not reduce complementarity. A primal-dual step is used instead.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0285I Rejecting inaccurate corrected direction

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates that the last corrected direction is too inaccurate and is rejected in favor of the predictor step.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0286I Bad step length - step rejected

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates that the last step length was invalid.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0288I col I1 R1 R2 R3 C1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the column number, name, lower bound, activity, and upper bound for a column for which a bound was violated after OSL had determined infeasibility.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0289I No powerful infeasibilities were found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: For each of the initial infeasibilities, relaxing the bounds associated with all the other infeasibilities resulted in a problem that was still infeasible.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 


Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates the beginning of a list of columns.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0291W Table array supplied will not hold the entire IIS

Severity: Informational

Explanation: The IIS has more elements than the size of the storage space provided. The table has been filled.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 132.

User Response: None. 


Severity: Informational

Explanation: This indicates the beginning of a list of rows.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0293I The number of initially violated constraints is one. Relaxing the bounds on row C1 will make the problem feasible

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the name of a single row for which one or both of the bounds may be relaxed to make the problem feasible.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 


Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a header message that begins a list of members of an IIS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0295I The number of initially violated constraints is one. Relaxing the bounds on column C1 will make the problem feasible

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the name of a single column for which one or both of the bounds may be relaxed to make the problem feasible.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 


Severity: Informational

Explanation: This ends a list of members of an IIS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0297W The sum of primal infeasibilities is very small, R113, and this could cause numerical difficulty identifying an IIS

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This is a warning to indicate that EKKNFES may be able to correctly identify an IIS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: None. 

EKK0298W Changing to serial mode

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Parallel OSL is beginning to operate in a serial mode. For example, a strategy of 0 or 3 may have been selected for the Parallel version of EKKLPDC. Since these two strategies are inherently serial, they are not processed in parallel mode.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: None. 


Severity: Informational

Explanation: This ends a list of column constraints.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 


Severity: Informational

Explanation: This ends a list of row constraints.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0301I Relaxing the column C1 upper bound reduces the number of infeasibilities from I1 to I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This identifies an important constraint. Relaxing it significantly reduces the number of infeasibilities.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0302I Relaxing the column C1 lower bound reduces the number of infeasibilities from I1 to I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This identifies an important constraint. Relaxing it significantly reduces the number of infeasibilities.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0303I Relaxing the row C1 upper bound reduces the number of infeasibilities from I1 to I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This identifies an important constraint. Relaxing it significantly reduces the number of infeasibilities.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0304I Relaxing the row C1 lower bound reduces the number of infeasibilities from I1 to I2

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This identifies an important constraint. Relaxing it significantly reduces the number of infeasibilities.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0305I The corresponding column activity is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a companion message to messages EKK0301I and EKK0302I. This suggests an alternate value for the bound.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0306I The corresponding row activity is R1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a companion message to messages EKK0303I and EKK0304I. This suggests an alternate value for the bound.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0307I A potentially troublesome set of I1 column constraints has been found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKNFES has found a set of constraints with the property that relaxing them reduces the sum of the infeasibilities dramatically, even though the number of infeasibilities may be large. This is a companion message to messages EKK0309I and EKK0310I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0308I A potentially troublesome set of I1 row constraints has been found

Severity: Informational

Explanation: EKKNFES has found a set of constraints with the property that relaxing them reduces the sum of the infeasibilities dramatically, even though the number of infeasibilities may be large. This is a companion message to messages EKK0309I and EKK0310I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0309I C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a companion message to messages EKK0307I, EKK0308I and EKK0310I. This gives the names of those row or columns that have a significant impact on the feasibility in the sense that relaxing their bounds causes a substantial reduction in the sum of the infeasibilities.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0310I The sum of the infeasibilities is R1, but the number of infeasibilities is I1

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This is a companion message to messages EKK0307I, EKK0308I and EKK0309I. This states the result of relaxing the constraints identified in message EKK0309I.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0311WInfeasibility analysis terminated

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKNFES has stopped processing due to persistent numerical difficulties. Processing error.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: None. 

EKK0313I I1 C1 fixed value

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the name and row or column number of a variable for which the upper and lower bounds are equal, and the bound pair is a member of the IIS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0314I I1 C1 upper bound

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the name and row or column number of a variable for which the upper bound is a member of the IIS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK0315I I1 C1 lower bound

Severity: Informational

Explanation: This gives the name and row or column number of a variable for which the lower bound is a member of the IIS.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 0.

User Response: None. 

EKK1001WExiting from S1 because no integer information exists

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The model does not have any integer variables. Hence, this routine cannot proceed. This disables any companion routine(s) automatically.

System Action: Execution continues by ignoring this and its companion routines. The return code for this message is 133.

User Response: Check if the model contains any integer information. 

EKK1002WMemory allocation for work space failed in S1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: There is not enough memory available in the system to allocate to temporary arrays used in this routine.

System Action: Execution continues by ignoring this and its companion routines. The return code for this message is 123.

User Response: None. 

EKK1003WExiting from S1 because an error/warning occurred during an internal call to I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: One of the OSL routines called from this routine returned a nonzero return code.

System Action: Execution continues by ignoring this and its companion routines. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: None. 

EKK1004WExiting from S1 because no general integers exist

Severity: Warning

Explanation: All integers found in the model were binary integers.

System Action: Execution continues by ignoring this and its companion routines. The return code for this message is 133.

User Response: None. 

EKK1005WExiting from S1 because no transformation information exists

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Transformation information is not found in the file attached to the user-specified FORTRAN unit. Reverse mapping is not performed.

System Action: Execution continues by ignoring this. The return code for this message is 133.

User Response: Check the unit number specified in the argument list of EKKBMPS. 

EKK3000W Iteration Number: I1; Objective Value: R1--Infeasible

Severity: Warning

Explanation: After the specified number of iterations, it has been determined that the problem is infeasible. The current value of the objective function is specified.

System Action: Execution continues. Additional messages provide details on the infeasibilities. The return code for this message is 100.

User Response: Adjust your model or some of the real control variables with EKKRGET and EKKRSET to allow greater tolerance. The messages that follow should help you determine which action to take. 

EKK3001W Iteration Number: I1; Objective Value: R1--Unbounded

Severity: Warning

Explanation: After the specified number of iterations, it has been determined that the problem is unbounded. This message provides the value of the objective function before making this determination.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 100.

User Response: Check your model formulation. You should also make sure you are not trying to minimize the function when you should be maximizing, or vice versa. If this is the case, adjust integer control variable Rmaxmin with EKKRGET and EKKRSET. 

EKK3002W Row I2 is an invalid specification

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The row number is outside the valid row number range.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Check your matrix data. 

EKK3003W The entry for row name C1 is a duplicate in this column (card I1)

Severity: Warning

Explanation: When reading an MPS input file, The specified duplicate entry was found. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: The duplicate entry is ignored, and proclessing continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file is correct. 

EKK3004W Existing blocks are being erased by S1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: A block or matrix exists where OSL is creating a new block or matrix. The old block is erased.

System Action: Existing blocks are overwritten, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Make sure this is what you intend. 

EKK3005W A marker record is out of sequence at card image I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: When reading an MPS input file, an integer marker record was found out of sequence. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: If the marker was INTEND, or SOSEND, the line is ignored, and processing continues. If the marker was INTORG ,or SOSORG, an INTEND, or SOSEND as appropriate, is inserted, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Check your MPS input file to see that the lines are in the proper order. 

EKK3006W There is a blank column at card I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: When reading an MPS input file, in the COLUMNS section, a card was found that had a blank second field where no column had previously been defined. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: The line is ignored, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file is correct. 

EKK3007W Row name C1 is not defined in the ROWS section (card I1)

Severity: Warning

Explanation: When reading an MPS input file, A row name was found that is not defined in the ROWS section. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: The card is ignored, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure the row names used in the COLUMNS, RHS, and RANGES sections are defined in the ROWS section of the MPS input file. 

EKK3008W Column name C1 is not defined in the column section (card I1)

Severity: Warning

Explanation: While reading the BOUNDS section of an MPS input file, A column name was found that was not defined in the COLUMNS section. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: The card is ignored, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure the column names used in the BOUNDS section are defined in the COLUMNS section. 

EKK3009W S1 is unable to erase the original matrix

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Internally, OSL has made a copy of your matrix. To save space, OSL attempted to erase the original copy of the matrix. However, only a contiguous matrix stored by columns, which is the last matrix entered into dspace, can be erased. The matrix copied was not of that form, so it was not erased.

System Action: Execution continues. Another copy of the matrix is created. The original matrix is not affected. The return code for this message is 121.

User Response: Check the order of your calls to OSL subroutines. 

EKK3010W There is not enough storage to extend buffers for EKKMSLV

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKMSLV needs more storage than is available for buffers or node lists.

System Action: Control is returned to your program after saving sufficient information to allow you to call EKKPTMD and restart with more storage from this point if you have planned your code to do so. The return code for this message is 121.

User Response: Either provide a larger dspace and rerun your program from the beginning, or code your program to allow a restart from this point if this message is issued. The call to EKKMSLV should contain nonzero unit numbers and a message user exit subroutine to call EKKPTMD when this message occurs. The problem can then be restarted using EKKGTMD and EKKMSLV with type=2. 

EKK3011W I1 duplicate elements have been found in the matrix

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The matrix contains the specified number of duplicate elements. One possible reason is that matrix blocks overlap and the same composite matrix element is specified in both blocks. This is normal after a call to EKKROW or EKKCOL. See those subroutine descriptions for more information.

System Action: OSL adds the duplicate elements together and continues running. The return code for this message is 111.

User Response: If you did not intend to have the elements added together, check your input data and eliminate duplicates. 

EKK3012W Column I1 is an invalid specification

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This column number is outside the valid column number range.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Recheck the matrix data. 

EKK3013W The matrix is already scaled--S1 was already called

Severity: Warning

Explanation: While attempting to scale the matrix, OSL found that it was already scaled.

System Action: OSL does not alter the matrix and continues running. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: If a scaled model was read in with EKKGTMD, EKKSCAL need not be called. 

EKK3014W Your quadratic matrix is not symmetric; OSL has replaced it with 1/2(Q + transpose(Q))

Severity: Warning

Explanation: OSL has replaced the quadratic matrix Q with 1 divslash 2 ( biQ + <biQ sup T). The solution of the quadratic programming problem will be the same as if Q were used.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 144.

User Response: None. 

EKK3015W Invalid output value R1 (position I2) was returned from user exit subroutine C1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The user exit subroutine C1 returned an invalid value for the specified parameter.

System Action: The parameter is ignored, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 133.

User Response: Correct the calling sequence parameter in the user exit subroutine. 

EKK3016W The number of columns requested is I1; the maximum possible is I2

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The maximum number of columns is set by integer control variable Imaxcols. The number of columns you requested is greater than Imaxcols.

System Action: OSL will discontinue processing the model and continue running. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Recheck the calling sequence parameters to EKKLMDL, or reset the maximum number of columns allowed. 

EKK3017W The valid range for integer control variable I3 is I1 - I2

Severity: Warning

Explanation: You attempted to set integer control variable I3 to a value that is out of the variable's range.

System Action: Execution continues. The control variable remains at its previous value. Other valid control variable set requests are carried out. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check the valid range for the variable. 

EKK3018W The valid range for real control variable I1 is R1 - R2

Severity: Warning

Explanation: You attempted to set real control variable I1 to a value that is out of the variable's range.

System Action: Execution continues. The control variable remains at its previous value. Other valid control variable set requests are carried out. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check the valid range for the variable. 

EKK3019W OSL subroutine S1 was called before the matching EKKxGET subroutine

Severity: Warning

Explanation: A call to an EKKxSET subroutine was encountered without a previous call to the matching EKKxGET subroutine.

System Action: OSL does not set the control variables and continues running. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Insert a call to EKKxGET before the call to EKKxSET in your program. 

EKK3020W Subroutine S1 was called with I1 parameters--only I2 are needed

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Too many parameters were passed to the specified subroutine.

System Action: OSL uses the first I1 parameters passed and continues running. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: Check the parameter specifications for the subroutine called. 

EKK3021W Unable to create a vector block of ones

Severity: Warning

Explanation: A vector matrix of all ones could not be created because the matrix had values other than 0 or 1.

System Action: The matrix type is set to be a vector block, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Check calling sequence parameters to EKKNWMT and your model formulation. 

EKK3022W Duplicate name C1 was found

Severity: Warning

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file, The specified duplicate name was found.

System Action: OSL continues processing the MPS input file. Another message, providing the result of processing the whole file, will be issued at the end of EKKMPS. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file is correct. 

EKK3023W Invalid output value of I1 (position I2) was returned by user exit subroutine C1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The specified user exit subroutine returned with the stated invalid value.

System Action: The parameter is ignored, and processing continues, if possible. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: Correct this parameter in the user exit subroutine. 

EKK3025W Message number I1 is not a defined message

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Undefined message number I1 was received.

System Action: Control is returned to your program without taking any action other than checking for the existence of the error condition. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Make sure the message number passed is an fullword integer representing a valid message number. 

EKK3026W Attempting to change an unmodifiable message table entry; Message number I1 is not modifiable

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKMSET was called to cause the entries for message number I1 in the message option table to be changed. I1 is a message number whose options cannot be changed.

System Action: EKKMSET returns to your program without taking any action other than checking for the existence of this error condition. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Make sure the message number passed to EKKMSET is a message that can be modified. See Table 11 for a list of these messages. 

EKK3027W S1 expected I2 elements, but I1 elements were found

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The number of elements expected to be in the matrix or block is not the same as the actual number.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Check that the number of elements in the matrix or block you specified matches the actual number of elements. You should also check the matrix type given to EKKLMDL or EKKDSCB. 

EKK3028W I1 zero elements were found in the matrix block

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The matrix block was found to contain the specified number of zero entries.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Check your matrix data. 

EKK3029W I1 is an invalid index for C1 in model I2

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The C1 region has an starting index in the free space area of dspace.

System Action: The index is set to 0, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 121.

User Response: Make sure your program has not incorrectly overwritten dspace

EKK3030W I1 is an invalid index for C1 in model I2, block I3

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The C1 region for the indicated matrix block has a starting index in the free space area of dspace.

System Action: The index is set to 0, and processing continues. The return code for this message is 121.

User Response: Make sure your program has not incorrectly overwritten dspace. 

EKK3031W The C1 region in model I2 has unnormalized entries between indices I3 and I4

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The C1 region in model I2 has some unnormalized entries between indices I3 and I4.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: Make sure your program has not incorrectly overwritten dspace. 

EKK3032W A change from I1 to I2 will not take place

Severity: Warning

Explanation: An attempt to change an integer control variable to an invalid value will not take place.

System Action: Execution continues. The control variable maintains its previous value. Other valid control variable set requests are carried out. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check the valid range for the variable. 

EKK3033W A change from R1 to R2 will not take place

Severity: Warning

Explanation: An attempt to change a real control variable to an invalid value will not take place.

System Action: Execution continues. The control variable maintains its previous value. Other valid control variable set requests are carried out. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check the valid range for the variable. 

EKK3034W Control variable I1 is a read-only variable

Severity: Warning

Explanation: An attempt to change a read-only control variable will not take place.

System Action: Execution continues. The control variable maintains its previous value. Other valid control variable set requests are carried out. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check which control variable you want to change and make sure it is not read-only. 

EKK3035W The perturbation region for the other algorithm cannot be used

Severity: Warning

Explanation: A perturbation region from a previous call to EKKSSLV was saved. The algorithm chosen this time (primal or dual) is not the same as when the region was created. Perturbation is switched off.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 132.

User Response: Check the alg parameter in your calls to EKKSSLV. 

EKK3036W One unit number in the call to S1 was zero and the other was nonzero; file I/O cannot be used

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Both unit numbers in the call to EKKMSLV must be nonzero to use file I/O.

System Action: Bothe units are set to 0 (resulting in no file I/O), and processing continues. The return code for this message is 143.

User Response: Check the unit numbers specified in your call to EKKMSLV. 

EKK3037W DSPACE has already been initialized

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The workarea, dspace, that was passed to EKKDSCA already has the correct markers at the beginning and end. This can be coincidental, but it probably means that EKKDSCA was called before.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Make sure this is what you intend. 

EKK3038W The continuous linear programming problem is infeasible or unbounded

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The continuous problem is infeasible or unbounded. The MIP solvers expect the continuous solution to be optimal.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 113.

User Response: Check your model formulation. 

EKK3039W The basis file is full; increase the space allocation

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The file containing basis information is full (the bunit parameter in the call to EKKMSLV). The file will not be extended automatically.

System Action: Information is saved, and control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 143.

User Response: When running this model or a similar model, increase the space allocation for the basis information file. 

EKK3040W The matrix file is full; increase the space allocation

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The file containing matrix information is full (the munit parameter in the call to EKKMSLV). The file will not be extended automatically.

System Action: Information is saved, and control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 143.

User Response: When running this model or a similar model, increase the space allocation for the matrix modification file. 

EKK3043W Arc I1 has an excessive upper or lower bound of R1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The indicated arc has an excessively large upper or lower bound. This can cause difficulties in determining feasibilty or unboundedness in the network problem.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 116.

User Response: Try to reformulate your problem so the arcs either have no bounds (that is, have bounds of infinity), or have bounds that are much smaller in magnitude. 

EKK3045W Data for parameters I1 and I2 overlapped

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The spaces for the data from the above parameters have overlapped.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 120.

User Response: Redefine the data areas with more space. 

EKK3046W The above matrix has unnormalized entries at position I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The matrix for which statistics were previously provided has not been normalized.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check that your matrix contains normalized real numbers, and check that it was entered correctly. 

EKK3047W The model information region for model I1 is established

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKGTMI has been called before EKKDSCM, EKKLMDL, EKKSMDL, or EKKMPS. The original state of the model when EKKDSCA was called is restored. This may be correct, but it may mean that a model is being restored at the wrong time.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: If this message is unexpected, check the sequence of subroutines calls in your program. 

EKK3048W Unbounded or infeasible; refer to variable C1, variable number I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: In the primal algorithm, EKKSSLV determined that the problem is unbounded. C1 is the incoming variable, which can change the objective function by an infinite amount. In the dual algorithm, EKKSSLV determined that the problem is infeasible. The variable is the infeasible basic variable corresponding to the row that has no valid pivots.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 100.

User Response: Use this information to correct the model formulation, or use the variable sequence number to obtain the updated row or variable. (Note that sequence numbers 1 to Inumrows are logical variables, and that the first structural variable is Imaxrows+1, where Inumrows and Imaxrows are integer control variables.) 

EKK3049W Ilinelen<I1; it needs to be at least I2

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKPRTS attempted to write the solution array. The length of the line is too short to write data. These messages will not wrap, so they are not printed.

System Action: EKKPRTS continues to print any other data requested, and execution continues. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Increase Ilinelen to I2 by calling EKKIGET and EKKISET. 

EKK3050W No quadratic matrix was entered

Severity: Warning

Explanation: No quadratic matrix was entered when calling EKKQSLV or EKKQPAR.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 134.

User Response: Make sure the problem data has been entered correctly. 

EKK3051W The signs in the quadratic section are reversed; the diagonal has a negative element at position I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The quadratic matrix cannot be positive semidefinite because its diagonal is negative.

System Action: The quadratic matrix is negated, and execution continues. The return code for this message is 134.

User Response: Make sure the problem data has been entered correctly. 

EKK3052W The dual problem is infeasible

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This indicates that the dual problem is infeasible and the primal problem is unbounded. A direction of unboundedness can be examined by calling EKKNGET to get the index control variables Nrowaux and Ncolaux.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 114.

User Response: Make sure the problem was entered correctly. If desired, call EKKNGET to get the index in dspace for the direction of unboundedness. 

EKK3053W The primal problem is infeasible

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This message indicates that the primal problem is infeasible, and the dual problem is unbounded. The direction of unboundedness can be examined by calling EKKNGET to get the index control variables Nrowaux and Ncolaux.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 100.

User Response: Make sure that the problem data was entered correctly. If desired, call EKKNGET to get the index in dspace for the direction of unboundedness. 

EKK3054W There is a constraint or bound violation in the primal solution--maximum violation is R1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The current basic primal solution has a maximum constraint or bound violation of R1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 104.

User Response: None. 

EKK3055W There is a constraint or bound violation in the dual solution--maximum violation is R1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The current basic dual solution has a maximum constraint or bound violation of R1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 104.

User Response: None. 

EKK3056W Minimum degree ordering would be more efficient with I1 bytes of storage

Severity: Warning

Explanation: If dspace were larger, a more efficient minimum degree ordering algorithm could be used.

System Action: A space-conserving, but possibly less efficient, minimam degree ordering algorithm is used. The return code for this message is 122.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace, if desired, to use a more efficient algorithm. 

EKK3057W Mu has become very small with value (R1), and the problem is still infeasible

Severity: Warning

Explanation: &mu. has become very small, and the problem is still infeasible.

System Action: The barrier method is ended with an indication of infeasibility. Since sslvswch is set to 0, control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: If this is a problem, do one or more of the following:

EKK3058W The model is infeasible (I1 iterations)

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKBSLV found the model to be infeasible after I1 iterations.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: If this is a problem, do one or more of the following:

EKK3059W The model is unbounded (I1 iterations)

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKBSLV found the model to be unbounded after I1 iterations.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: If this is a problem, do one or more of the following:

EKK3060W The matrix is poorly scaled--Maximum element: R1; Minimum element: R2; Mean element: R3; Variance: R4

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The matrix is poorly scaled. This is likely to degrade performance.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 110.

User Response: If you have not scaled the matrix, try scaling it by calling EKKSCAL. 

EKK3061W More space is needed to set up regions for the barrier method; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough space in dspace to store data needed by EKKBSLV.

System Action: Since sslvswch=3, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 122.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, increase the size of dspace

EKK3062W Mu has become very small with value (R1), and the problem is still infeasible; EKKBSLV is switching to EKKSSLV

Severity: Warning

Explanation: &mu. has become very small, and the problem is still infeasible.

System Action: The interior-point barrier method is ended with an indication of infeasibility. Since sslvswch is greater than 0, EKKBSLV calls EKKSSLV to solve the problem using the simplex method. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: If you want to keep using the interior-point barrier method, do one or more of the following:

EKK3063W The quadratic matrix has failed check I1 for positive semidefiniteness; NCOL: I2

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Several checks for positive semidefiniteness are applied to (biQ + biQ sup T)/2. NCOL is the number of the column that was being processed when a test failed. The value I1 indicates which test failed, where:

System Action: Execution continues, but the quadratic programming algorithm may find a local minimum instead of a global one, or it may fail altogether. The return code for this message is 114.

User Response: Verify that the quadratic matrix is as intended. If you choose to proceed with a quadratic coefficient matrix that is not positive semidefinite, be aware of the possible results. 

EKK3064W Subroutine S1 ran out of storage while checking the quadratic matrix for positive semidefiniteness; NCOL: I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: NCOL is the number of columns that had been processed by the checking routine when it was determined that more storage would be required. Results of the partial testing were:

For each n=1, ..., NCOL, none of the determinants consisting of the first n nonzero rows of the first n nonzero columns of a permuted version of (biQ + biQ sup T)/2 were found to be negative. (The permuted matrix is generated by row and column interchanges, so its columns are in order according to the number of nonzero elements in the columns. The sparsest columns are first.)

For each n=1, 2, ..., NCOL, the rank of the submatrix consisting of the first n nonzero columns of a permuted version, as above, of (biQ + biQ sup T)/2 was the same as the rank of the corresponding principal minor.

System Action: Execution continues, but if the quadratic matrix is not positive semidefinite, the quadratic programming algorithm may find a local minimum instead of a global one, or it may fail altogether. The return code for this message is 124.

User Response: Verify that the quadratic matrix is as intended. If the quadratic matrix is known to be positive semidefinite, this warning can be ignored. If you want the built-in test for positive semidefiniteness, allocate more dspace and rerun your program. 

EKK3065W There is not enough space to perform a check for duplicate row or column names

Severity: Warning

Explanation: Sufficient space in which to check for duplicate row or column names after they have been created or changed with EKKNAME was unobtainable.

System Action: No check for duplicate row or column names is made, and execution continues. The return code for this message is 121.

User Response: If you are sure that the row or column names are unique, you can ignore this warning. If you want to have the names checked by OSL, increase the size of dspace. 

EKK3066W I1 invalid priorities; I2 invalid types; I3 reference ties; I4 invalid pseudocosts

Severity: Warning

Explanation: These are minor errors, from which OSL can recover. The meanings of the specified fields are:

  1. I1 indicates the number of sets with invalid priorities. The priority will be set to 1000. Priorities must be greater than 0.
  2. I2 indicates the number of sets with invalid types. The type will be set to 4.
  3. I3 indicates the number of variables with reference row entries that had the same value (reference ties) because a gap of Rtolint is required between each reference row entry. If you assign several entries the same value, OSL adjusts them to make sure there is a gap of at least Rtolint between successive values.
  4. I4 indicates the number of variables with pseudocosts that have a negative value. If negative values are passed to EKKIMDL for pseudocosts, this message is issued indicating that illegal pseudocosts have been passed and the pseudocost values are set to 0.0001. The model is then correctly solved. The generation and setting of the values is done internally, and the structure with the negative pseudocost values, as defined by the caller, is not modified.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 143.

User Response: Check that the assumptions are acceptable. If not, correct your program. 

EKK3067W No usable decomposition was found

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKLPDC could not find any Dantzig-Wolfe or staircase structure.

System Action: A null basis will be restored, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: Try another option for EKKLPDC, or mark the block number for each row in the status region. 

EKK3068W There are no 0-1 variables

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKMPRE could not find any 0-1 variables. It will exit with Iprobstat set to 0.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 113.

User Response: Check the model formulation and either remove the call to EKKMPRE or correct the formulation. 

EKK3069W All 0-1 variables are satisfied

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKMPRE could not find any unsatisfied 0-1 variables. It will exit with Iprobstat set to 0; however, there may still be an incorrect model formulation.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 113.

User Response: Check the model formulation. 

EKK3070W No solution better than R1 found

Severity: Warning

Explanation: EKKMPRE has found that there is no possible solution better than R1 based on the value specified for real control variable Rbbcutoff.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 113.

User Response: Check Iprobstat after exiting from EKKMPRE. If it has a value of 0, there is no reason to call EKKMSLV. Otherwise, check the model formulation or relax real control variable Rbbcutoff. 

EKK3071W Column I1 has I2 nonzero elements

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This message indicates that the number of nonzero elements in column I1 makes it impossible to solve the current model with EKKNSLV using the options selected.

System Action: OSL continues to identify columns with the wrong number of nonzero elements. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK3072W Current rows I1, maximum I2; There are not enough spare rows to add cuts

Severity: Warning

Explanation: For the OSL branch-and-bound method to be most effective, there must be spare rows that will allow EKKMPRE or EKKMSLV to add cuts. Each heuristic attempt adds at least one row, and there are not enough spare rows for the number of attempts requested.

System Action: Execution continues, but results may not be as effective. The return code for this message is 113.

User Response: Set Imaxrows before loading the model to allow for more rows. If you know how many rows there are in your model, set Imaxrows to a larger number before calling EKKLMDL, EKKSMDL, or EKKMPS. If you are calling EKKMPS and you do not know how many rows there are, set Imaxrows to a negative number to obtain that many extra rows. 

EKK3073W The network structure may be lost

Severity: Warning

Explanation: A call to EKKROW or EKKCOL has modified the model so it may no longer be a network. This message is only issued if an index or column copy of the constraint matrix has been generated by a subroutine such as EKKMPS, EKKLMDL, EKKNMDL, or EKKSMDL.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 110.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK3074W The network has I1 nodes with zero capacity

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The network has I1 nodes with either no adjacent arcs or no adjacent arcs with nonzero capacity.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 116.

User Response: If this is not what you want, reformulate the model to remove these nodes. 

EKK3075W The starting row or column for the addition of names is zero; a starting row or column of 1 is assumed

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The starting row or column provided to EKKNAME, as indicated by the parameter startrow or startcol, is equal to zero.

System Action: OSL uses a starting row or column of 1 and continues running. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: If you want to add the names you provide to EKKNAME starting in a different row or column, set the parameter startrow or startcol to a positive value that is no greater than Imaxrows or Imaxcols. If you want to retrieve names from dspace starting in a different row or column, set the above parameter to a negative value whose absolute value is no greater than Imaxrows or Imaxcols. 

EKK3076W OSL has encountered computational difficulties and is unable to obtain an accurate direction

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. The direction vector produced is too inaccurate to improve the current solution without damaging feasibility.

System Action: The interior point algorithm terminates with the solution at the end of the last successful iteration. (This will be passed to EKKSSLV unless sslvswch is set to prevent this.) The return code for this message is 112.

User Response: If conjugate gradients are being used to handle dense columns, consider either increasing integer control variable Idensecol so that fewer or no dense columns are found, or rerun your problem using EKKSSLV instead of EKKBSLV. If iterative improvement is still producing significant increases in accuracy and integer control variable Imaxprojns is small (2 or 3), it can be increased. 

EKK3077W The valid range for integer control variable I3 is I1 - I2, I4 - I5, or I6 - I7

Severity: Warning

Explanation: You attempted to set integer control variable I3 to a value that is out of the variable's range.

System Action: Execution continues. The control variable remains at its previous value. Other valid control variable set requests are carried out. The return code for this message is 130.

User Response: Check the valid range for the variable. See "EKKIGET - Request Current Values of Integer Control Variables"

EKK3078W OSL CPU timer has detected an error; CPU timing information is incorrect and will not be printed

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The internal timer has encountered an error.

System Action: Execution continues. CPU timings will not be printed. The return code for this message is 100.

User Response: None. The OSL CPU timer is incompatible with VS FORTRAN Interactive Debug and will be switched off while Interactive Debug is active. 

EKK3079W The block to be repeated is empty

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The block to be copied into the current matrix through a call to EKKRPTB contains no elements.

System Action: OSL does not copy the block to the current matrix and continues running. The return code for this message is 131.

User Response: Add at least one element to the block you want to repeat. 

EKK3080W Row or column names have not been created

Severity: Warning

Explanation: While attempting to retrieve row or column names from dspace, OSL has detected that no row or column names exist.

System Action: OSL puts no names into the array passed to EKKNAME and continues running. The return code for this message is 121.

User Response: Create row or column names by setting the parameter startrow or startcol to a positive value when calling EKKNAME. 

EKK3081W The number of primal infeasibilities in the scaled and unscaled problems is different; The scaled problem has I1 primal infeasibilities, and the unscaled problem has I2 primal infeasibilities

Severity: Warning

Explanation: If EKKSCAL has been called, OSL works with a scaled version of the constraint matrix. However, after the computation is complete, OSL checks the solution using the unscaled constraint matrix. This message is generated if the number of primal infeasibilities for the unscaled version of the problem is different from the number of primal infeasibilities for the scaled version of the problem.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 111.

User Response: If the scaled problem is infeasible but the unscaled problem is feasible, you may want to accept the computed solution. If the scaled problem is feasible but the unscaled problem is infeasible, you may want to reject the computed solution. In any case, you may want to consider refomulating the problem with better scaling in mind. 

EKK3082W There is no reference row entry for SOS formula cell C1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: The indicated SOS formula cell was specified without giving a reference row entry.

System Action: OSL ignores the specification and continues running. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: See "Creating and Defining Special Ordered Sets" for a discussion of valid forms. 

EKK3083W No objective cell was found

Severity: Warning

Explanation: No objective cell was encountered during EKKSMDL processing.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure character control variable Csobjective has been properly set. If no objective cell is needed for this application, the message can be ignored. 

EKK3084W The largest absolute bound violation for the unscaled problem is R1; This occurs for variable I1

Severity: Warning

Explanation: This is a companion message to EKK3081W. This message is issued only if message EKK3081W has already been issued and the unscaled problem is primal infeasible.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 111.

User Response: The scaled problem is feasible, but the unscaled problem is infeasible. This message gives you additional information on which to base your decision of whether to accept or reject the computed solution. You may want to consider refomulating the problem with better scaling in mind. 

EKK3085W No constraint cells were found

Severity: Warning

Explanation: No constraint cells were encountered during EKKSMDL processing.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 140.

User Response: Make sure character control variable Csconstrts has been properly set. Also insure that any cells in the spreadsheet file that are intended to be constraints do not contain nonlinear formulas and do not use compound formulas involving #AND#, #OR#, #NOT#, or < ("not equal to"). 

EKK6000E The indices for some required regions are not initialized--list follows

Severity: Error

Explanation: Regions that are required by OSL have not been defined.

System Action: OSL will write a list of the uninitialized required regions and continues running. The return code for this message is 221.

User Response: Check the order of OSL calls in your program. You may be calling a solve subroutine before EKKMPS, EKKLMDL, or EKKSMDL. Also check that the indices for all of the required regions are initialized. 

EKK6001E Unknown row type C1 at card image I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file, The specified unrecognized indicator code was found. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: OSL processes the card as if the indicator code were 'N' and continues running. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: Correct field 1 in the specified card image, which identifies the row type. 

EKK6002E Unknown marker C1 at card image I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file, The specified unrecognized integer marker was found. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: OSL ignores the card and continues running. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: Correct field 5 in the specified card image, which is the keyword that identifies the type of integer variables that follow the marker. 

EKK6003E SOS row C1 is not defined in the ROWS section (card I1)

Severity: Error

Explanation: When reading an MPS input file, A special ordered set (SOS) row was found that is not defined in the ROWS section. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: OSL ignores the record and continues running. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: If you want to have an SOS row, define it in the ROWS section. 

EKK6004E Unknown bound type C1 at card I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file, The specified unrecognized bound type was found. The card image follows in the next message.

System Action: OSL ignores the card and continues running. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: Correct field 1 in the specified card image, which identifies the bound type. 

EKK6005E Invalid bound combination for C1: LO=R1, UP=R2

Severity: Error

Explanation: The lower bound is greater than the upper bound for variable C1. This was detected during the reading of an MPS input file or during a check of the basis.

System Action: If this error was detected during the reading of an MPS input file, OSL sets the lower bound to 0 and the upper bound to infinity for a noninteger variable or sets the lower bound to 0 and the upper bound to 1 for an integer variable. OSL then continues running with the new bounds. If this error was detected during a check of the basis, OSL returns to your program. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: If the action taken by OSL is not what you intend, correct the bounds and rerun the program. 

EKK6006E Invalid numeric value C2 for row C1 at card image I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file, The specified invalid value was found.

System Action: OSL ignores the card and continues running. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: Correct field 4 or field 6 in the specified card image so it is a numeric value. 

EKK6007E The problem will be infeasible by R1 because of column I1 and row I2

Severity: Error

Explanation: Using row I2, it has been determined that variable I1 will be outside its bounds by R1.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 210.

User Response: Check your model formulation, and pay particular attention to row I2 and the bounds on variable I1

EKK6008E Numerical difficulties: The iterations are not yielding better solutions

Severity: Error

Explanation: The OSL simplex algorithm has been unable to make progress toward a solution because of numerical difficulties.

System Action: If EKKSSLV is using the dual algorithm, it will switch to the primal algorithm; otherwise, control is returned to your program after printing further messages with statistics. The return code for this message is 211.

User Response: Check previous and subsequent OSL messages and your model formulation. 

EKK6009E S1 is saving model information for model I1 as model I2

Severity: Error

Explanation: The normal use of EKKPTMI is to save the current model information before restoring the information for another model. In this case, the current information is being stored as a different model. This may be correct, but it is likely that the call to EKKPTMI is not correct.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 230.

User Response: Check previous OSL messages and the order of your calls to EKKPTMI and EKKGTMI. 

EKK6010E S1 has been called without a preceding call to EKKPSHS

Severity: Error

Explanation: An attempt was made to restore dspace pointers without saving them first.

System Action: OSL does not restore the dspace pointers, and continues running. The return code for this message is 231.

User Response: Insert a call to EKKPSHS before the call to EKKPOPS in your program. 

EKK6011E The continuous solution is worse than the integer cutoff

Severity: Error

Explanation: The continuous solution is worse than the integer cutoff. No integer solution can be found with this cutoff.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 233.

User Response: Check the setting of the cutoff value, real control variable Rbbcutoff. 

EKK6012E Data defined by parameter I1 overlaps low storage

Severity: Error

Explanation: The data for the specified parameter is overlapping low storage and is using storage reserved for OSL's use.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 220.

User Response: Make sure this is what you intend. 

EKK6013E Data defined by parameter I1 overlaps high storage

Severity: Error

Explanation: The data for the specified parameter either overlaps high storage or is entirely in high storage.

System Action: Execution continues and it will make a copy of the data. The return code for this message is 220.

User Response: This error may occur when storage reserved by EKKHIS is passed back to OSL. Make sure this is what you intend. 

EKK6014E The last block I1 of model I2 is full; allow for additional blocks

Severity: Error

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKCOL or EKKROW when the last possible block of the model is full. No more rows or columns can be added to the matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 220.

User Response: Increase the number of blocks in the matrix by calling EKKDSCM, or set integer control variable Iextrablk to a larger value to give overflow blocks more room. 

EKK6015E The line search failed because of computational difficulties

Severity: Error

Explanation: Unanticipated computational difficulties have resulted in no valid step length being found. This is an unrecoverable error in the interior-point barrier method.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 212.

User Response: Do one or more of the following:

EKK6016E A feasible solution cannot be found

Severity: Error

Explanation: Phase 1 of EKKBSLV was unable to obtain a relaxed feasible solution because of computational difficulties.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 212.

User Response: Do one or more of the following:

EKK6017E More space is needed to create row or column names

Severity: Error

Explanation: EKKNAME is unable to obtain enough space to create the row or column names.

System Action: OSL does not create the row or column names and continues running. The return code for this message is 221.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace, or do not add row or column names to the matrix. 

EKK6018E A maximum of I1 sets are allowed; I2 were passed to S1

Severity: Error

Explanation: The maximum number of sets allowed by Imaxsets has been previously specified. OSL has been given data structures that have more sets than this maximum.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 223.

User Response: Increase the maximum value specified for the number of sets. 

EKK6019E A maximum of I1 items of integer information are allowed; I2 were passed to S1

Severity: Error

Explanation: The maximum amount of integer information allowed by Imaxints has been previously set. OSL has been given data structures that have more information than this maximum.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 223.

User Response: Increase the maximum value specified for the amount of information. Remember that if there are overlapping sets, this value will be greater than the number of variables. 

EKK6020E A maximum of I1 integer variables are allowed; I2 were passed to S1

Severity: Error

Explanation: The maximum number of integer variables allowed by integer control variable Imaxsets has been previously set. OSL has been given data structures that have more variables than this maximum.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 223.

User Response: Increase the maximum value specified for the number of variables. 

EKK6021E I1 variables are defined in sets but are not defined as integer variables

Severity: Error

Explanation: Every variable specified by the sets argument in EKKIMDL must be specified as a special variable. This requires that it be specified in the nints argument of EKKIMDL.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 223.

User Response: Check the two arrays, ints and sets, that are passed to EKKIMDL. 

EKK6022E I1 sets had nonmonotonic starting points

Severity: Error

Explanation: The array setindx for EKKIMDL should have monotonically increasing entries that are less than the value of ntotset.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 223.

User Response: Check the contents of the array setindx and input parameters ntotset and nsets in your call to EKKIMDL. 

EKK6023E I1 sets had invalid reference row entries

Severity: Error

Explanation: Reference row entries for a set must lie between minus <10 sup 20 and 10 sup 20.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 223.

User Response: Check the contents of the array uppcost in your call to EKKIMDL. 

EKK6024E Illegal block number I1 was found at row I2 (C1)

Severity: Error

Explanation: You marked each row with a block number. Block numbers must be -1, 0, or a number not greater than the number of rows.

System Action: A null basis will be restored, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 212.

User Response: Check the block numbers in the row status region. 

EKK6025E Illegal range of block numbers: I1 to I2

Severity: Error

Explanation: You marked each row with a block number. Block numbers must be -1, 0, or a number not greater than the number of rows. For a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, it is valid to mark master rows with 0 and all others with -1. It is also valid to mark master rows with 0 and give a positive block number to other rows. Other combinations are invalid. For a staircase decomposition, block numbers must be positive numbers.

System Action: A null basis will be restored, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 212.

User Response: Check the block numbers in the row status region. 

EKK6026E Block number I1 is empty

Severity: Error

Explanation: You marked each row with a block number. If the largest block number given is n, all blocks from 1 to n must have some rows allocated to them. Note that this is the first such block found; there may be others.

System Action: A null basis will be restored, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 212.

User Response: Check the block numbers in the row status region. 

EKK6027E Column C1 straddles blocks I1 to I2

Severity: Error

Explanation: You marked each row with a block number. The named column has entries in two or more blocks. This means that the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition is invalid.

System Action: A null basis will be restored, and Execution continues. The return code for this message is 212.

User Response: Check the block numbers in the row status region. 

EKK6029E EKKSPAR has found that your problem is infeasible; Rslambda=R1

Severity: Error

Explanation: EKKSPAR has determined that your problem is infeasible for the specified value of Rslambda.

System Action: Execution continues. The return code for this message is 232.

User Response: You may want to check the real control variables Rslambda and Rslambdalim. 

EKK6030E The number of row or column names provided is negative; No user-specified names will be used or retrieved

Severity: Error

Explanation: The number of user-provided row or column names to be used by EKKNAME or the number of names to be retrieved from dspace, as indicated by the parameter numrow or numcol, is less than zero.

System Action: The user-provided row or column names are unused, or names are not retrieved from dspace. Processing continues. The return code for this message is 231.

User Response: If you want to use the names you provide to EKKNAME or retrieve names from dspace, set the parameter numrow or numcol to a positive value. 

EKK6031E The current model is not a pure network

Severity: Error

Explanation: The current model does not have exactly one 1 and one -1 in each column. It cannot be solved as a pure network by EKKNSLV.

System Action: Execution continues but does not create the network copy. The return code for this message is 236.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK6032E Column I1 has two occurrences of I2

Severity: Error

Explanation: Column I1 has two 1s or two -1s, so it is not a pure network column. It cannot be solved with the pure network option of EKKNSLV.

System Action: Execution continues but does not create the network copy. The return code for this message is 236.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK6033E There is not enough space to create selection lists

Severity: Error

Explanation: EKKSEL is unable to obtain enough space to create the row and column selection lists.

System Action: The selection lists are not created. Control returns to your program. The return code for this message is 221.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace or do not use selection lists. 

EKK6034E EKKSPAR has found inconsistencies with real control variables

Severity: Error

Explanation: EKKSPAR has found inconsistencies with the real control variables Rslambda, Rslambdalim, and Rslambdadelta. The way they are currently set causes adding Rslambdadelta to Rslambda to move away from Rslambdalim, rather than toward Rslambdalim.

System Action: EKKSPAR changes the sign of Rslambsdelta and continues running. The return code for this message is 232.

User Response: Make sure you meant to step from Rslambda to Rslambdalim. 

EKK6035E Error attempting to read row order from unit I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. The value of integer control variable Iroword is -1 and a FORTRAN READ error occurs during the attempt to read the order from logical unit Iordunit.

System Action: Execution continues. A new row ordering will be computed. The return code for this message is 242.

User Response: Check that you correctly specified the logical unit and, if so, that it contains a valid permutation vector for a problem of at least the current row size. 

EKK6036E Error attempting to write row order to unit I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: This message is issued by EKKBSLV. The value of integer control variable Iroword is 1 and a FORTRAN WRITE error occurs during the attempt to write the order to logical unit Iordunit.

System Action: Execution continues. No valid row ordering will be saved. The return code for this message is 242.

User Response: Check that the logical unit was specified correctly and can be written to. 

EKK6037E There is an invalid QSECTION indicator record at card image I1

Severity: Error

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file for the quadratic part of a matrix, The specified unrecognized indicator record was found.

System Action: OSL ignores this card and continues running. The return code for this message is 240.

User Response: Correct the indicator record in the specified card image. 

EKK6038E More space is needed for outer product list representation of the adjacency matrix

Severity: Error

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough storage in dspace to store the outer product list representation of the adjacency matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 222.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace or change sslvswch in the call to EKKBSLV so it will switch to EKKSSLV. 

EKK7000S Model number I1 is invalid; I2 models have been declared

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified invalid model number is either less than or equal to 0 or is greater than the total number of models described by EKKDSCA.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Make sure EKKDSCA has been called specifying the correct number of models. Also ensure that the model number specified in calls to EKKDSCM, EKKPTMI, and EKKGTMI is greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of models specified in EKKDSCA. 

EKK7001S OSL stopped due to previous errors--subroutine S1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL has determined that it cannot proceed in the specified subroutine because of earlier errors.

System Action: OSL returns to your program. The return code for this message is 301.

User Response: Check previous OSL messages to find the source of the error. 

EKK7002S Block number I1 is invalid; I2 blocks have been declared in EKKDSCM

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified invalid block number is either less than or equal to 0 or is greater than the total number of blocks described by EKKDSCM.

System Action: OSL returns to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Make sure EKKDSCM has been called specifying the correct number of blocks. Also ensure that the block number specified in calls to EKKDSCM, EKKDSCB, and EKKRPTB is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the number of blocks specified in the call to EKKDSCM. 

EKK7003S At least I1 additional entries in DSPACE are needed

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The size of the work area is not large enough to solve this model.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace in your program by at least I1

EKK7004S I1 cards of the quadratic matrix have been read--additional storage is needed

Severity: Severe

Explanation: No space was available in dspace after reading the specified number of cards from an MPS input file for the quadratic part of a matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 324.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace in your program. 

EKK7005S Some data areas do not exist

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Indices for required data areas have not been set.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Check the order of OSL calls in your program. You may be calling a solve subroutine before EKKMPS, EKKLMDL, or EKKSMDL. Also check that the indices for all the required regions are initialized. 

EKK7006S I1 rows of the matrix have been read--additional storage is needed

Severity: Severe

Explanation: No space was available in dspace after the specified number of rows were read from the MPS input file.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace in your program. 

EKK7007S I1 columns and I2 elements of the matrix have been read--additional storage is needed

Severity: Severe

Explanation: No space was available in dspace after the specified number of columns and elements were read from the MPS input file.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace in your program. 

EKK7008S The objective row C1 was not found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL did not find the objective row in the MPS input file. If C1 is blank, no type-N rows were found in the ROWS section. If C1 is not blank, C1 was specified as the name of the objective row to be used, but no type-N card having C1 in field 2 was found.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file contains at least one type-N row, or check that the character control variable Cobjective has been set to the value you intend. 

EKK7009S Either OSL has prematurely reached the end of the file, or there is a read-error on unit I2--I/O status code is I1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: While reading an MPS input file, either OSL reached the end of file before processing all required sections, or another type of read error occurred. The IOSTAT value returned from the FORTRAN READ statement is specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Refer to previous informational messages to see where this error occurred. Also check your MPS input file to make sure it is in the correct format. If the last parameter in the call to EKKMPS is nonzero, make sure there are integer variables declared in the MPS input file. Refer to the FORTRAN reference manual for your operating system for information on the I/O status. 

EKK7010S Duplicate row names have been found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The MPS input file contains duplicate row names.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file does not contain duplicate row names in the ROWS section. 

EKK7011S RHS C1 has not been found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: C1 was specified as the name of the right-hand side vector to be used when reading an MPS input file, but no card having C1 in field 2 of the RHS section was found.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file is correct, or check that the character control variable Crhs has been set to the value you intend. 

EKK7012S RANGE C1 has not been found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: C1 was specified as the name of the range vector to be used when reading an MPS input file, but no card having C1 in field 2 of the RANGES section was found.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file is correct, or check that the character control variable Crange has been set to the value you intend. 

EKK7013S BOUND C1 has not been found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: C1 was specified as the name of the bound vector to be used when reading an MPS input file, but no card having C1 in field 2 of the BOUNDS section was found.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the MPS input file is correct, or check that the character control variable Cbound has been set to the value you intend. 

EKK7014S I1 elements were found with row/column numbers greater than the number of rows/columns

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified number of elements were defined with invalid row/column numbers.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Check your matrix data. 

EKK7015S For a vector or quadratic copy, at least I1 blocks are needed

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The number of blocks was insufficient to make a matrix copy.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Make sure EKKDSCM is called with a sufficient number of blocks for the model. 

EKK7016S A file on unit I1 does not contain OSL information

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL attempted to process a file on the specified unit and found that it did not contain OSL information.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: For each subroutine pair, EKKPRSL/EKKPSSL and EKKGTMD/EKKPTMD, make sure the unit numbers specified are the same. 

EKK7017S There is a mismatch of the maximum number of rows and columns on the file and in storage

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The maximum number of rows and columns in the model file is not equal to the number in storage.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the model characteristics in storage agree with those in the model file. For each subroutine pair, EKKPRSL/EKKPSSL and EKKGTMD/EKKPTMD, make sure the unit numbers specified are the same. 

EKK7018S The number of bytes on file, I1, differs from the expected number, I2

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Files written by EKKPTMD and EKKPRSL contain the number of bytes in the file and the data. The file indicates there are I2 bytes on the file, but there are actually only I1 bytes of data.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the file has not been overwritten. 

EKK7019S A file on unit I1 corresponds to a scaled matrix, but scaling factors are unavailable

Severity: Severe

Explanation: A scaled matrix is found on a file, but the scaling factors are not found.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 330.

User Response: Make sure you save scaling factors by setting integer control variable Imodelmask before you call EKKPTMD. 

EKK7020S S1 has deleted every row

Severity: Severe

Explanation: It has been determined from the analysis in EKKPRSL that every row is unconstrained or all variables have been fixed. OSL needs at least one constraint to proceed.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 310.

User Response: Check your model formulation. 

EKK7021S Inconsistencies in the data structures have been detected by S1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified subroutine detected inconsistencies in OSL data structures while attempting to factor the model matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Make sure that any user manipulation of OSL data has been done correctly. 

EKK7022S Unable to open sequential formatted file on unit I2--I/O status code is I1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: A sequential formatted file was unable to be opened on the above unit. The IOSTAT value returned from the FORTRAN OPEN statement is specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 341.

User Response: Check that the file type attached to the specified unit is sequentially formatted. See the FORTRAN reference manuals for your operating system for information on the I/O status. 

EKK7023S The active matrix is empty; the number of inactive blocks is I1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: I1 blocks exist, but no elements have been defined for the blocks.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: If EKKLMDL, EKKRPTB, or EKKDSCB has been called to pass a model to OSL, make sure the parameters specify the correct block number and number of elements. 

EKK7024S Read/write error on unit I2--I/O status code is I1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL was unable to read a model in MPS format from a file or write a model to a file in MPS format. The IOSTAT value returned from the FORTRAN READ or WRITE statement is specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: If you are attempting to read a file, check the validity of your input. See the FORTRAN reference manuals for your operating system for information on the I/O status. 

EKK7025S There is not enough storage for factorization of model basis

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL has run out of storage and is not able to factor the matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace. Previous OSL messages may indicate how much more storage is needed. 

EKK7026S Unable to open sequential unformatted file on unit I2--I/O status code is I1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: A sequential unformatted file was unable to be opened on the specified unit. The IOSTAT value returned from the FORTRAN OPEN statement is specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 341.

User Response: Check that the file type attached to the specified unit is sequentially unformatted. See the FORTRAN reference manuals for your operating system for information on the I/O status. 

EKK7027S There is not enough storage for a factorization of or a copy of the matrix after I1 elements

Severity: Severe

Explanation: There was insufficient storage in dspace to either get the basic subset of the matrix or to create a matrix copy requested in EKKPRSL or EKKNWMT.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace

EKK7028S The number of rows requested is I1; the maximum possible is I2

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The maximum number of rows you set is less than the number of rows requested for the matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Check the calling parameters to EKKLMDL or reset the maximum number of rows allowed. 

EKK7029S S1 has been called with an invalid value of I2 for parameter number I1--valid range is I3 - I4

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified OSL subroutine has been called with an invalid value for one of the parameters.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Check the values of the calling parameters to the subroutine. 

EKK7030S OSL data was overwritten; this was detected by subroutine S1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL information in dspace was overwritten. This was detected by the specified subroutine.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Check previous OSL messages, which may indicate errors that caused OSL data to be overwritten. 

EKK7031S More than one vector matrix was found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Multiple vector matrices have been defined.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 330.

User Response: Check your program for multiple calls to EKKNWMT with matrix types 3 and 4 for the same model. 

EKK7032S There are duplicate objective row entries of R1 and R2 for column C1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Column C1 has more than one entry in the objective function.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Check the MPS input file for a duplicate objective row for column C1 in the COLUMNS section. 

EKK7033S EKKBCDO is allowed only on unscaled matrices

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The model you are trying to write in MPS format has been scaled. Only unscaled models can be written by EKKBCDO.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 330.

User Response: Write the model in MPS format before you scale it. 

EKK7034S I1 doublewords were requested, but only I2 are available

Severity: Severe

Explanation: There was not enough space in dspace. The size of the largest amount of storage available is specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace

EKK7035S Subroutine S1 has been called with I1 parameter; it should have been called with I2 parameters

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The number of parameters passed to the specified subroutine was too few.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Check the parameter specifications for the call. 

EKK7036S The column indices of I1 or I2 are out of range

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Either the low column index value is less than zero or the high column index value is greater than the maximum number of columns in the matrix in a call to EKKLMDL, EKKDSCB, EKKSMDL, or EKKIMDL.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Check the column indices and the maximum number of columns in the matrix. 

EKK7037S Row indices of I1 or I2 are out of range

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Either the low row index value is less than zero or the high row index value is greater than the maximum number of rows in the matrix in a call to EKKLMDL or EKKDSCB.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Check the row indices and the maximum number of rows in the matrix. 

EKK7038S A basic system of equations cannot be solved because an inverse does not exist

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKGES cannot solve the basic system of equations (<biA sub B <bix sub B = bib), because an inverse of the matrix has not been created and saved.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 310.

User Response: Call EKKINVT with keep=1 before calling EKKGES to ensure that a current inverse is available. 

EKK7039S All blocks are full; I1 elements must still be added

Severity: Severe

Explanation: There is not enough matrix storage to accommodate the requested modifications.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Increase the number of blocks in the matrix by calling EKKDSCM, or set integer control variable Iextrablk to a larger value to give overflow blocks more room. 

EKK7040S DSPACE has been declared with an invalid length of I1 doublewords

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The amount of requested space is either less than 0 or greater than the maximum allowed.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Increase or decrease the value specified for the nwords parameter in the call to EKKDSCA. 

EKK7041S The unit numbers in the call to S1 are equal

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The unit numbers in the call to EKKMSLV must be different. One unit is for a file containing basis updates, and the other unit is for a file containing matrix updates.

System Action: OSL returns to the your program. The return code for this message is 343.

User Response: Change one of the unit numbers in the call to EKKMSLV. 

EKK7042S Set number I1 was incorrectly declared as a type I2 special ordered set (SOS)

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified set was not correctly defined to be a type I2 special ordered set (SOS). For type 1, at least two variables had lower bounds greater than zero or upper bounds less than zero. For type 2, there were more than two variables with lower bounds less than zero, or there were only two such variables but they were not adjacent in the set. For type 3, not all variables are 0-1 variables, or the RHS of the convexity row is not equal to one.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 333.

User Response: Check the set specification in the MPS input file or in the call to EKKIMDL. 

EKK7043S DSPACE has not been initialized by EKKDSCA

Severity: Severe

Explanation: On entering an OSL subroutine, dspace did not have the expected markers at its beginning and end. Either dspace has been overwritten or it is not the same region that was passed to EKKDSCA.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 321.

User Response: Check the spelling of the parameters. If they are correct, check to see when the first or last word of dspace is overwritten. 

EKK7044S Unable to open direct access file on unit I2--I/O status code is I1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: A direct access file was unable to be opened on the above unit. The IOSTAT value returned from the FORTRAN OPEN statement is specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Check that the file type attached to the specified unit is direct access. See the FORTRAN reference manual for your operating system for information on the I/O status. 

EKK7045S Entering EKKMSLV, but no integer information exists

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKMSLV has been called without integer variables being previously defined.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 313.

User Response: Make sure the intunit parameter has a nonzero value in the call to EKKMPS if the integer information is in the MPS file, or use EKKIMDL to define integers. 

EKK7046S Unable to restart branch and bound; no files have been saved

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The type argument in EKKMSLV was set to 2, but no files are available.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 333.

User Response: Check the call to EKKMSLV in your program. 

EKK7047S There are only I1 records on file I2; at least I3 records are recommended

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The number of records in the specified integer file is less than the minimum required.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 323.

User Response: Increase the space allocation for the file attached to unit I2

EKK7048S There is no information on the branch and bound areas

Severity: Severe

Explanation: When retrieving the model, EKKGTMD found no branch and bound information.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 330.

User Response: Make sure you have the correct options specified on the call to EKKPTMD. Integer control variable Imodelmask can be set to specify the data that is written to the file. 

EKK7049S Integer information was saved with I1 rows and I2 columns

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Integer information on the model being restored by EKKGTMD has the integer data specified. This data does not match the data in storage.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the model you are restoring corresponds to what is in storage. 

EKK7050S Integer information was saved with I1 integers and I2 sets

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Integer information on the model being restored by EKKGTMD has the integer data specified. This data does not match the data in storage.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure the model you are restoring corresponds to what is in storage. 

EKK7051S There are I1 records in storage; only I2 records are on file on unit I3

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified number of records planned to be written is greater than the number of records on the indicated file. Information in storage cannot be written to the file.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 343.

User Response: When running this model or a similar model, increase the space allocation for this file. 

EKK7052S There is an I/O error on direct access file I1 at record I2

Severity: Severe

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing records to the direct access file specified.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 343.

User Response: Increase the space allocation for the file on unit I1

EKK7053S OSL has stopped processing; message I1 has occurred the maximum allowable number of times

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL has stopped running because message I1 has occurred the maximum allowable number of times.

System Action: Your program is stopped by OSL issuing a FORTRAN STOP statement. No OSL return code is issued.

User Response: Determine why message I1 occurred, and either reduce the number of times that it occurs or increase the number of times message I1 is allowed to occur by calling EKKMSET. 

EKK7054S The unit numbers passed to EKKMSLV are connected to files used for a previous branch and bound run

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Unit numbers passed to EKKMSLV are connected to files used for a previous branch and bound run.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 343.

User Response: Assign different files for each call to EKKMSLV. 

EKK7055S Data defined by parameter I1 overlaps DSPACE

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The data for parameter I1 is partially in dspace.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Make sure your data lies totally inside or outside dspace

EKK7056S Data defined by parameter I1 overlaps matrix elements

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The matrix elements data and the data specified by parameter I1 overlap.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Make sure your data does not overlap OSL's copy of the matrix elements. The matrix elements are in low storage, and your permanent data should reside in high storage. 

EKK7057S Data defined by parameter I1 must be adjacent to I2

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL is encountering difficulties with storage. If the data specified by parameter I1 were adjacent to the data specified by parameter I2, OSL processing would be more efficient.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Either increase the size of dspace or make sure the appropriate data structures are adjacent. 

EKK7058S Data defined by parameter I1 would be destructive

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Two data arrays that were in dspace before the call to EKKLMDL had alignments that would cause OSL to overwrite one array. This can happen if the doubleword elements were not aligned on a doubleword boundary, and came immediately after the fullword integer row indices.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 320.

User Response: Make sure the parameters in the call to EKKLMDL are properly aligned. 

EKK7060S The quadratic matrix has positive and negative diagonal elements at positions I1 and I2

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The quadratic matrix is not positive semidefinite because it has positive and negative elements in positions I1 and I2 of its diagonal.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 334.

User Response: Check your model formulation and make sure the quadratic matrix is positive semidefinite. You should also check your matrix data. 

EKK7061S Column I1 in the quadratic matrix has a zero diagonal element and a nonzero off-diagonal element

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The quadratic matrix is not positive semidefinite because column I1 has a zero diagonal element and a nonzero off-diagonal element.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 334.

User Response: Check your model formulation and make sure the quadratic matrix is positive semidefinite. You should also check your matrix data. 

EKK7062S There is not enough storage to run this application

Severity: Severe

Explanation: There is insufficient storage for this application.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 324.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace. 

EKK7063S More space is needed for the adjacency matrix

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough storage in dspace to store the adjacency matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 322.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace or change sslvswch in the call to EKKBSLV so it will switch to EKKSSLV. 

EKK7064S More space is needed for Cholesky factorization

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough storage in dspace to do symbolic factorization of the adjacency matrix.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 312.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace or change sslvswch in the call to EKKBSLV so it will switch to EKKSSLV. 

EKK7065S More space is needed to set up regions for the barrier method

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKBSLV does not have enough storage in dspace to store needed data.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 322.

User Response: Increase the size of dspace or change sslvswch in the call to EKKBSLV so it will switch to EKKSSLV. 

EKK7067S There is an unsupported matrix type in block I1 on entry to S1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Block I1 of the matrix is stored by indices or rows. EKKBSLV requires a copy of the matrix either stored by columns or in vector block format.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 332.

User Response: Make sure a column copy or a copy in vector block format is available. This can be done by calling EKKNWMT. 

EKK7068S The quadratic matrix is not positive semidefinite

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The quadratic matrix is not positive semidefinite; a vector z, for which <biz sup T biQ biz lt 0, is provided in the auxiliary information region. See EKKNGET for information on this region.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 334.

User Response: Check your model formulation and make sure the quadratic matrix is positive semidefinite. You should also check your matrix data. 

EKK7069S Subroutine S1 is not valid for a linear programming problem

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified subroutine is not a valid one for use with a linear programming problem.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Check your program for the sequence of calls to OSL subroutines. 

EKK7070S Subroutine S1 is not valid for a quadratic programming problem

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified subroutine is not a valid one for use with a quadratic programming problem.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Check your program for the sequence of calls to OSL subroutines. You may be able to call the specified subroutine before calling EKKQMDL, EKKQMPS, or EKKSMDL. 

EKK7071S The linear programming problem is not optimal and basic prior to subroutine S1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified subroutine requires that the linear programming problem have a basic optimal solution on entry.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 315.

User Response: Make sure EKKSSLV, EKKNSLV, or EKKBSLV with a switch to simplex was called before the sensitivity analysis routine that issued this message, and that a basic optimal solution was found. 

EKK7072S Real control variable Rmaxmin has a value of 0

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL requires that the real control variable Rmaxmin must have a value of either 1.0D0 or -1.0D0 for EKKSBND, EKKSOBJ, or EKKSPAR.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 315.

User Response: Make sure that real control variable Rmaxmin has not been set to 0.0D0 before calling EKKSBND, EKKSOBJ, or EKKSPAR. 

EKK7073S S1 has been called with an invalid value of I2 for parameter number I1--valid ranges are I3 - I4, I5 - I6, I7 - I8

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified OSL subroutine has been called with an invalid value for one of the parameters.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Check the values of the calling parameters to the subroutine. 

EKK7074S Input arc I1 is incident to node I2; The correct range is 1:I3

Severity: Severe

Explanation: An array passed to EKKNMDL using the from or to parameter contains an integer less than 1 or greater than the number of nodes specified by the m parameter in the call to EKKNMDL.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 336.

User Response: Check that the node numbers specified by the from and to arrays are consistent with the number of nodes in the problem. 

EKK7075S The sum of demands exceeds R1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The absolute value of the sum of the negative right-hand side elements is too large.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 316.

User Response: Reformulate your model so the demands have smaller magnitude. 

EKK7076S The sum of supplies exceeds R1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The sum of the positive right-hand side elements is too large.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 316.

User Response: Reformulate your model so the supplies have smaller magnitude. 

EKK7077S The cost range exceeds R1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The difference between the most positive cost element and the most negative cost element is too large.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 312.

User Response: If possible, rescale the costs in your model. 

EKK7078S The norm of the RHS exceeds R1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The norm of the right-hand side is too large.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 311.

User Response: Reformulate your model so the supplies and demands have smaller magnitude. 

EKK7079S Network data structures do not exist

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKNSLV has been called with the init parameter indicating that the current basis should be used, but the network data structures have not been created.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 336.

User Response: Change your program so the network data structures are created by a subroutine such as EKKNWMT, EKKNMDL, or EKKSMDL. 

EKK7080S The current model is not a pure network

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The current model does not have exactly one 1 and one -1 in each column. It cannot be solved as a pure network by EKKNSLV.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 336.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK7081S Subroutine S1 is not valid for a network programming problem

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The specified subroutine is not a valid one for use with a network programming problem.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 331.

User Response: Check your program for the sequence of calls to OSL subroutines. You may be able to call the specified subroutine before calling EKKNSLV or EKKNWMT with type=5. 

EKK7082S Arc I1 has node I2 as its source and sink

Severity: Severe

Explanation: An arc has been found with the same source and sink. A pure network arc must have a different source and sink.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 316.

User Response: Check your program to make sure the arrays that define the sources and sinks are initialized correctly. 

EKK7083S The sum of the supplies and demands, R1, is not zero

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The sum of all supplies and demands of the current model is not equal to zero. The problem is infeasible.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 316.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK7084S The minimum column cost, R1, is too large

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The minimum column cost is too large.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 311.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK7085S The initial point must be dual feasible

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Negative column costs have been found, making the initial point dual infeasible.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 311.

User Response: You may want to do one of the following:

EKK7086S Network structure has been lost

Severity: Severe

Explanation: A call to EKKROW or EKKCOL has been made that would invalidate the network structure of the constraint matrix. Because no index or column copy of the constraint matrix has been generated by a subroutine such as EKKMPS, EKKLMDL, EKKNMDL, or EKKSMDL, the change to the row or column cannot be made. EKKNSLV may not be called after this message has been issued.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 310.

User Response: Check your model formulation to make sure the modifications are done correctly. 

EKK7087S EKKPSSL must be called before calling subroutine S1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: Your model has been presolved by calling EKKPRSL. However, to use the specified subroutine, EKKPSSL must be called first.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 311.

User Response: Make sure you call EKKPSSL before calling the specified subroutine. You may also need to call EKKSSLV after the call to EKKPSSL to ensure a basic optimal solution to your original problem. 

EKK7088S Invalid processing options were used with the dual simplex algorithm; Change the parameter values in the call to EKKNSLV

Severity: Severe

Explanation: EKKNSLV has been called with the alg parameter set to 2 and the init parameter set to 5 or 6. This combination of options is invalid.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 336.

User Response: Check the values of the calling parameters to the subroutine EKKNSLV and change them to valid values. 

EKK7089S The input file for EKKSMDL is not a Lotus 1-2-3 file

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The EKKSMDL input file is not a Lotus 1-2-3 file.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Check that a Lotus 1-2-3 file has been correctly attached to the input unit of EKKSMDL. 

EKK7090S Character control variable I1 contains the invalid range C1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The indicated character control variable for EKKSMDL does not contain a valid list of spreadsheet ranges. The current input list is given.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Check the valid range for the control variables. 

EKK7091S No adjustable cells were found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: No adjustable cells were encountered during EKKSMDL processing.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Make sure character control variable Cssolution has been properly set. Also insure that any cells in the spreadsheet file that are intended to be adjustable are initialized, do not contain formulas or labels, and are unprotected. 

EKK7092S The file update is not allowed

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The spreadsheet file cannot be updated.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: An update of the spreadsheet file cannot be made unless EKKSMDL has first been called with action=1 to initialize internal data structures. 

EKK7093S SOS formula cell C1 was incorrectly specified

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The indicated SOS formula cell was specified using a formula with an invalid form.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: See "Creating and Defining Special Ordered Sets" for a discussion of valid forms. 

EKK7094S The range set C1 may be too long for OSL control variables

Severity: Severe

Explanation: OSL has detected that one of the EKKSMDL control variables is at its maximum length. You may have designated a range set that is too long for the control variable.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Check to make sure that all needed ranges are specified in the EKKSMDL control variables. 

EKK7095S An invalid formula was found in constraint cell C1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: A nonlinear formula was encountered during EKKSMDL processing. All constraint cells must contain formulas describing linear constraints.

System Action: The formula is ignored and processing continues. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Correct or remove the nonlinear formula. 

EKK7096S A nonlinear, nonquadratic objective cell was found

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The objective cell encountered during EKKSMDL processing contained a nonquadratic formula. An objective formula must be linear or quadratic.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Check the objective cell to make sure it contains a valid formula. 

EKK7097S Division by zero was detected in cell C1

Severity: Severe

Explanation: The indicated cell contains a formula involving a division by zero or division by a number smaller than real control variable Rtolmps.

System Action: Control is returned to your program. The return code for this message is 340.

User Response: Reset Rtolmps or change the contents of the indicated cell. 

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