Stochastic Solutions Users Guide


Overview of Stochastic Solutions

Stochastic Solutions provides functional support in modeling, solving, and analysing solution data for multiperiod stochastic programs. The modeling phase includes:

The solver phase includes:

The analysis of solution data is a complex issue -- the number of ways the user can implement the functions of the Stochastic Solution is so great that it is difficult to anticipate every user's requirement. The Solver enables:

Complete access to all solution data, including dual information, is enabled through the use of the Callable Modules.

Use of the IBM Stochastic Solutions Solver 

Most users will find that the easiest way to use the IBM Stochastic Solution is through the Solver, which is documented in the Solver Reference. The Solver is controlled by command line arguments. By specifying different arguments, different calls to the Solver can perform many functions. Some of the basic functions are invoked as follows.
oslstslv -inputformat=mps -input=<name> -modelout=<modelname>
Models a multiperiod stochastic program using the SMPS standard. The dimensions of the multiperiod stochastic program are printed out. The model is stored in a binary file modelname.spl.
oslstslv -inputformat=spl -input=<name> -sample=100
Produces a sampled version and examines its dimensions.
oslstslv -inputformat=spl -input=<name> -solve=yes
Solves the problem. Additional flags implement decomposition.
-decompose=yes -cutperiod=3
Employs the L-shaped decomposition method for a description of the decomposition method, with the tree cut at period 3.
Limits the number of master problem iterations. If the problem is not solved in this number of master iterations, the problem is turned over to the simplex solver.
Limits the number of subproblems (the master problem is one of these). This is a crude method of controlling the subproblem size to achieve more efficient use of processor resources. Generally speaking, the simplex method is faster than decomposition up to a certain problem size. The threshold depends on processor configuration and problem difficulty.
Prints the row and column activities for the given scenario number. This produces no output if the problem has not been solved.
Prints the distribution of given row activity. The special value of 0 produces the objective distribution. A similar call produces the distribution of a given column.
Additional flags control the destination of output, whether the problem is a maximization or minimization, and so forth. Details are found in the Solver Reference.

The formulation of stochastic programs is a sophisticated undertaking that may require expert advice from application domains, probability and statistics, and the numerical modeling of decision systems. Problem examples are provided that indicate various types of formulations and analyses. These may be useful as templates.

Use of the IBM Stochastic Solutions Callable Modules 

The motivating principle of IBM Stochastic Solutions is to free the user from the complex task of managing multistage stochastic data structures common to all stochastic programs. To implement this aim, IBM Stochastic Solutions provides several independent clusters of user callable modules corresponding roughly to initialization and input, tree generation, model formation and data transfer, solution via Benders decomposition, and user-access to data and information. These modules are accessed by writing a driver program. Example drivers are provided. Here we give an overview of the basic structures of a stochastic solution driver.

All information concerning a particular instance of a stochastic program is organized as a structured data type called Stoch_Data. This structure is initialized by a call to subroutine ekks_InitializeApplication, which returns a pointer to the Stoch_Data data type. Every Callable Module uses this pointer to access the data of the stochastic program. Multiple instances of stochastic programs can appear in the same program module, each with their own unique Stoch_Data pointer.

The generic IBM Stochastic Solution driver consists of five subroutine calls:

     include "ekkstoch.h"
     Stoch_Data *stoch_data;
     ekks_CreateCore(&rc,stoch_data,... );
         printf( ... ,soln);
The call to ekks_InitializeApplication initializes the stoch_data pointer to the Stoch_Data object. The calls to ekks_CreateCore (declare core file) and ekks_AddScenario (add a scenario) pass the problem data to the Stoch_Data object. A call to ekks_BendersLSolve declares and solves the stochastic problem with a Benders decomposition method implemented in the IBM Optimization Library subroutines. The subroutine ekks_GetSolution accesses scenario solutions one-by-one after which they may be processed by the user (for example, printed).

Scenarios Data Structure

Scenarios provide the information about the probability distribution and the data needed to define the actual stochastic program in the SMPS standard format. Scenarios are declared one at a time by specifying the node from which it branches, the probability to be attached to the leaf, and the scenario data for the time stages between the branch and the leaf.

Scenario data is defined relative to the core data. For details of this convention, see the documentation of the ekks_AddScenario subroutine.

Organization of Storage: the SPL-file

When stochastic program core and scenario data is passed, the data, consisting of matrix, row and column bounds, and objective function, is sorted into stages and stored in a specially-structured SPL-file. Core data is stored first in the file, then the scenario data. A copy of the core data is retained in memory, but all scenario data is left in the SPL-file until needed by an optimization method.

SPL-file storage is managed by IBM Stochastic Solution routines. Users may have access to this information through special purpose data-access routines. The SP-file may be saved (ekks_PutStochasticData), in which case it will contain all information necessary to restore (ekks_GetStochasticData) the stochastic program.

Stochastic Models

The data corresponding to a stochastic program is organized by nodes and arcs of a tree structure and stored in an SPL-file. Many stochastic programs could be defined from the same data--for example, the data defined by one single scenario is itself a linear program complete with objective and bounds.

The data required for the definition of a stochastic program is organized into a structure of type Stoch_Model. A Stoch_Model can be thought of as a selection of a subset of nodes from a Stoch_Data. (They are not the same sort of structure, since the node data for the submodel is obtained by reference to the original Stoch_Data structure.) A stochastic model is created by passing a list of nodes to the appropriates IBM Stochastic Solution subroutine ekks_DescribeModel. By default, a Stoch_Data structure is considered to be itself a stochastic model containing all possible nodes.

Building Scenario Trees from Simulations

The IBM Stochastic Solution includes an independent set of routines for the purpose of building a scenario tree out of a sequence of simulations. Each simulation is viewed as an array of events, labelled as integers. When a new simulation is added (ekks_AddToTree), its initial sequence is compared against all initial sequences so far received. The longest match found is recorded, and the new simulation is made to branch from the scenario it matched. Weights of unmatched nodes are initialized at one, and weights of the matched nodes are incremented by one. The weights are eventually used to calculate the empirical probability of a node. The result is a scenario tree that describes the empirical distribution of the sequence of simulations. The scenario tree data, together with scenario numbers, branching node, and probability weights can be retrieved (subroutine ekks_GetScenarioFromTree). The example driver exsgbdt illustrates the use of these routines.

User Access to Stochastic Solution Data Structures

The user interfaces, data structures and subroutine declarations, are declared in the header file ekkstoch.h. ekk-stoch This file should be included in every program module that calls IBM Stochastic Solution subroutines.

The data pointed to by the structures Stoch_Data and Stoch_Model is internal and protected from the user. But all stochastic programming data is available to the user via the structures usrCoreData, usrStoch, usrNode, and usrNodeData, as referenced in Data Structures Reference. These must be filled by special subroutine calls: ekks_GetCoreData, ekks_GetScenarioTree and ekks_GetNodeData. The drivers exsdst.c, and exsolv.c contain examples of user data access.

Calls to user access subroutines can have a Stoch_Data or a Stoch_Model pointer in the argument list. In the latter case, the list of nodes returned will be those that appeared in the model's original list, plus the list of appropriately marked virtual nodes. Offsets and probabilities refer to the relevant model.

The node data retrieved by a call to ekks_GetNodeData contains only the stochastic data. It must be combined with the appropriate core data obtained by ekks_GetCoreData. It is important to note is that the data may have been sorted during the input phase. Particular items may have been moved out of their original positions. The usrCoreData structure has pointers to the sort keys used to translate the row and column indices from external (i.e. user) order to internal, and back.

Stochastic Mathematical Programming System
(SMPS) Format for Stochastic Linear Programs

  J.R. Birge, M.A.H. Dempster, H.I. Gassmann, E.A. Gunn, A.J. King, and S.W. Wallace
Parts of this article originally appeared in Birge, et al and are reproduced here, with slight updating, by permission of the authors.

This article reprints selections from the paper "A standard input format for multiperiod stochastic linear programs", which introduced a data convention for the automatic input of multiperiod stochastic linear programs based on the MPS standard.

SMPS Header Line.

Most sections contain data lines. Data lines are distinguished by a blank in the first column; the first word of a header line must, therefore, begin with a non-blank character. Comment lines are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the first column and may appear anywhere.

Problem Statement

A general form of the multiperiod stochastic linear program is as follows.

                                minimize x   c1T x1 + E2 Q2( x1 ) ,

                                subject to:     x1  n1 ,
                                                     l1      x1      u1 ,
                                                    A1x1  =  b ;

where the functions Q2, Q3, ... , QT are defined recursively by:

        Q2( x1 ) =  minx2                   c2T x2 + E3 Q3( x1 , x2 ) ,
                        subject to:             x2  n2 ,
                                                    l2     x2     u2 ,
                                                    A2, 1 x1  A2, 2 x2  = b2 ,

        Q3( x1 , x2 ) =  minx3            c3T x3 + E4 Q4( x1 , x2 , x3  ) ,
                        subject to:             x3  n3 ,
                                                    l3     x3     u3 ,
                                                    A3, 1 x1  A3, 2 x2  A3, 3 x3  = b3 ,

and so on, for Qt , t = 4, ... , T - 1. In each of the forgoing equations, and in the next (where t = T ), "Et" represents the expectation with respect to the random variables in period number t . Finally, QT is defined by:

       QT ( x1, ... , xT-1 ) = minxT      cTT xT ,
                        subject to:             xT  nT ,
                                                    lT     xT     uT ,
                                                    AT, 1 x1  AT, 2 x2  ...  AT, T xT  =  bT .

The data defining this problem may be arranged in a LP formulation for a single realization of the random variables:

                 objective:               STj=1 ctT xt ,

                 constraints:             xt  nt                           for t = 1, ... , T ,

                                              l  xt  ut                        for t = 1, ... , T ,

                                                A1x1                         =  b1  m1 ,  and
                                              Stj=1 At , j xj              =  bt  mt  ,  for t = 2, ... , T .

All entries of the matrices At , j and vectors: ct , lt , ut , bt may be random (although in practice all but a few entries will be deterministic). The indices t = 1, ... ,T signify the periods of the problem; to each period t there corresponds a decision vector xt  nt. The lower block-triangular constraint system expresses the typical feature of these problems--the decisions of the prior periods constrain the decision of the current period explicitly (since those decisions are known), but the decision of the current period is affected only implicitly by the feasibility and costs of possible future (recourse) decisions.

The proposed format is most easily understood by considering the above multistage LP in stages of gradually increasing levels of detail. First we regard it as a purely deterministic problem and create an input file following the MPS convention, ignoring (non-random) zero entries. This file will identify an objective vector, upper and lower bounds, a right hand side, and a block lower-triangular matrix, all expressed in the usual column-row format; we call this the core file.

Next we note the period structure of the problem, that certain decisions are made at certain times. Here it is necessary only to specify which rows and columns from the core file correspond to which periods. It is most simply done by indicating the beginning column and row for each period. This is done in the time file. Such a system relies on the proper sequencing of the core file--we require that the list of row names is in order from first period to last period and that the block lower-triangular matrix has been entered in column order: first period columns first, and last period columns last.

Finally there remains the specification of the distributions of the random entries; this takes place in the stoch file. The simplest case occurs when all random entries are mutually independent. We consider two general types of dependency among the random entries: blocks and scenarios. A block is a random vector whose realizations are observed in a single, fixed period. A scenario is a more general type of stochastic structure which models dependencies across periods.

The organization of the data files is similar to the MPS format. Each data file contains a number of sections, some of which are optional. A header line, or header, marks the beginning of each section and may contain keywords to inform the user that the data to follow should be treated in a special way. Each header line   is divided into two fields delineated by specific columns.

SMPS Format for Linear Programs

Core File

  The core file is sketched only briefly since it closely follows the MPS format. The core file consists of sections introduced by header lines. Data lines follow the headers.

MPS Data line for LP

A data line   is divided into six fields: three name fields, two numeric fields and one indicator field. A name is treated as a character string and may contain any ASCII symbol, except that data name fields must not start with a ($). Numbers with decimal point, or in scientific notation, may appear in numeric fields.

Core file layout in SMPS

NAME Required. The second word field is used to identify the problem.
ROWS Required. Each data line specifies the names of the objective and rows of the matrix in the first name field, and the type of constraint (E, L, G, N) in the code field. The list of row names must be in order from first period to last, preceded by the objective name(s).
COLUMNS Required. Each data line specifies the column names and the nonzero values. This must be done in column order.
RHS Required. Starts the RHS section. Data lines specify nonzero entries of the righthand side.
BOUNDS Optional. Data lines specify the column bounds using the codes LO or UP in the code field.
RANGES Optional. Refer to the MPS standard.
ENDATA Required. End of problem data.

Core file - example

NAME          problem name
* this is a comment line
 L  ROW1
 E  ROW2
    COL1      ROW1      value          ROW2      value
    COL1      ROW3      value          ROW4      value
    RHS       ROW1      value          ROW2      value
 LO BND       COL1      value
Integer variables may be indicated by using delimiters as described in the MPS/MIP standard. for those users who want to use mixed integer programming techniques. [*]

Time File

The time file contains the information needed to specify the dynamic structure of the problem. It indicates which rows and columns are to be identified with which period. The first line identifies it as a time file and gives a name to the problem. The next header line consists of a single word PERIODS in the first name field, and contains the keyword LP in the second name field to identify the problem as a pure LP. The first two name fields of the data lines identify the beginning row and column names for each period with the corresponding period name in the third name field.

Time file - example

TIME          problem name
    COL1      ROW1                     PERIOD1
    COL6      ROW3                     PERIOD2
    COL8      ROW19                    PERIOD3
In this example: Columns COL1 through COL5 are PERIOD1 decision variables and COL6 and COL7 are PERIOD2 variables; rows ROW1 and ROW2 are PERIOD1 constraints and ROW3 through ROW18 are PERIOD2 constraints. All remaining rows and columns belong to PERIOD3.

Stoch File

In the stoch file the distributions of the random variables are specified. As mentioned, we consider three varieties of distributions: independent, blocks, and scenarios. Each type will be treated in separate sections of this file; each section consists of a header line followed by data lines.

Stoch file - header lines

STOCH - informative. Identifies a new problem with a give name in the second word field.
INDEP section - specifies the distribution of all independent random entries in separate sections for each type.
BLOCKS section - specifies the joint distribution of all dependent random entries in separate sections for each type.
SCENARIOS section - specifies the scenarios.
ENDATA - informative. End of problem data.
Each distribution specifies the values that a core file entry takes with a certain probability. This value replaces the corresponding core file entry. [*]


Independent Discrete Distributions

For each discretely distributed entry one must specify the values and corresponding probabilities. The first two name fields identify the entry, and the first two numeric fields are the value field and probability field respectively. The intervening third name field contains the name of the period in which the random variable is realized. (This information is ignored by the input routine, but it is useful to have it made explicit for data consistency checking).

Independent Discrete format

    COL1      ROW8      6.0            PERIOD2   0.5
    COL1      ROW8      8.0            PERIOD2   0.5
    RHS       ROW8      1.0            PERIOD2   0.1
    RHS       ROW8      2.0            PERIOD2   0.5
    RHS       ROW8      3.0            PERIOD2   0.4
In this example the entry COL1/ROW8 takes value 6.0 with probability 0.5 and 8.0 with probability 0.5; and the righthand side of ROW8 takes values (1.0,2.0,3.0) with probabilities (0.1,0.5,0.4) respectively. Of course the probabilities associated with an entry must total one.

Uniform Distribution

The endpoints of the interval are the only relevant parameters for uniformly distributed entries. These are entered into the first two numeric fields; the third name field is blank.

Uniform Distribution Format

    COL1      ROW8      8.0            PERIOD2   9.0
In this example the random entry COL1/ROW8 is uniformly distributed over the interval [8.0,9.0]. [*]

Normal Distribution

The normal distribution is specified by mean and variance in the first two numeric fields.

Normal Distribution Format

    COL1      ROW8      0.0            PERIOD2   1.0
In this example the random variable is normal with mean 0.0 and variance 1.0. [*]

Block Independent Distributions

The "values" of a block are actually vectors of values of the entries that make up the block, and to each value of a block there corresponds a probability. We need two sorts of data lines to describe a block. The first line, distinguished by a BL in the code field, gives the name of the block, the name of the period in which the block is realized, and the probability that the block assumes a given vector value; the following lines identify which entries of the block assume which value.

Independent Block format

 BL BLOCK1    PERIOD2   0.5
    COL1      ROW6      83.0
    COL2      ROW8      1.2
 BL BLOCK1    PERIOD2   0.2
    COL1      ROW6      83.0
    COL2      ROW8      1.3
 BL BLOCK1    PERIOD2   0.3
    COL1      ROW6      84.0
    COL2      ROW8      1.2
In this example the block, called BLOCK1, is the vector made up of the entries COL1/ROW6 and COL2/ROW8. It takes values (83.0,1.2) with probability 0.5, (83.0,1.3) with probability 0.2, and (84.0,1.2) with probability 0.3.

Linear Transformations

These are blocks whose distribution is computed as a linear transformation of another random vector with independent components, i.e., The vector v is the block whose distribution is desired; the vector u has independently distributed components of standard type, e.g., normal. We first identify the block as in the subroutine case, then the (marginal) distribution of each (independent) component of the random vector followed immediately by the corresponding column of the matrix H .

Linear Transformation format

    COL1      ROW8
    COL3      ROW6
 RV U1        NORMAL    0.0                      1.0
    COL1      ROW8      11.0
    COL3      ROW6      21.0
 RV U2        UNIFORM   -1.0                     1.0
    COL1      ROW8      12.0
    COL3      ROW6      22.0
 RV U3        CONSTANT
    COL3      ROW6      24.0
This example illustrates the file structure. In this case

Note that the "names" U1, U2 and U3 are irrelevant and may be left blank.[*]

Scenarios,   An Example - event tree,  and the Scenarios Format

To describe scenarios one needs a data structure that expresses inter-period dependencies. This is best developed as a description of the distribution of a process vector just as one may describe a stochastic process in probability theory. We consider the random entries of the objective, bounds, and matrix as states of a process vector. Given the corresponding (finite dimensional) joint distributions of this process, Kolmogorov's construction yields a probability measure, termed the process distribution, on the space of trajectories. Thus, in general, we have the alternatives of describing the distribution of the stochastic process in joint or conditional state distribution form, or as a process distribution over trajectories. In the case under consideration, all this may be given a much simpler, more graphic, characterization.

To describe the process paths in the discrete state case, note that process can assume only finitely many values. A path of the process up to a given time stage may be followed by a finite collection of possible values of the process in the next time period. We think of these as nodes in the next period. Following Lane and Hutchinson and Raiffa, we construct an event tree representation of the trajectories: Represent the (unique) value of the process in the first period by a single node connected by oriented arcs from that node to nodes representing the values of the process in period 2. These are the descendant nodes of the first period node in the terminology of Birge. Each node of period 2 is connected to its descendant nodes at period 3 by individual arcs oriented in the direction of the period 3 nodes. This construction is continued by connecting each ancestor with its descendant nodes in the next period. Each node of this tree has a single entering arc and multiple departing arcs representing the possible next period events.

A single trajectory of the process thus corresponds to a path from the period 1 node to a single period T node composed of arcs oriented in the direction of increasing time and, moreover, corresponds uniquely to a single node in the last period T. There are only finitely many paths linking nodes in period 1 to nodes in period T and to specify the distribution on the paths one needs only to attach a definite probability to each path. Hence specifying the process distribution in terms of path probabilities can be effected in this context by assigning probabilities to period T nodes of the hyperrefevent treeevent tree, see Figure fig_scenexample.

The topology of this event tree represents the information about the process. To each arc we attach the probability that the terminal node occurs given the initial node has occurred--that is, the conditional probability of the process distribution over a period conditional on the history over all previous periods. These arc probabilities can be computed from the path probabilities by summing the probabilities of the paths visiting the terminal node and then dividing by the sum of the probabilities of the paths visiting the initial node.

Conversely, if to each arc in the tree we know the conditional probability that its terminal node occurs given that its initial node has occurred, then the probability of any given path is simply the product of the arc probabilities along the path.

A decision at a given node is made only on the basis of information collected up to and including that node. The uncertainty faced by the decision maker is represented by the collection of paths that branch from this node. Thus in Figure, the decisions occur at the nodes and the scenarios branch after the node.

Figure 1.1: Scenarios example - event tree

In a language more specific to our application, a "path" in the tree analogy is a single "scenario". The nodes visited by the path correspond to certain values assumed by certain entries of the matrices in the core file. Thus a scenario is completely specified by a list of column/row names and values, and a probability value. Once a single given scenario is described, then other scenarios that branch from it may be described by indicating in which period the branch has occurred, and then listing the subsequent column/row names and values. It is best to work through the example of Figure.

There are two types of data lines. The first, signified by SC in the code field, gives the name of the scenario in the first name field and its probability in the first numeric field; and then gives the name of the scenario from which the branch occurred and the name of the period in which the branch occurred--i.e., the first period in which the two scenarios differ--in the second name field and third name field, respectively. A scenario that originates in period one is indicated by ROOT in the name field. The next data lines give the column/row values assumed by the scenario.

Scenarios Format

 SC SCEN1     ROOT      0.5            PERIOD1
    COL1      ROW2      1.0
    COL2      ROW3      1.0
    COL3      ROW4      1.0
    COL4      ROW5      1.0
 SC SCEN2     SCEN1     0.2            PERIOD3
    COL3      ROW4      1.0
    COL4      ROW5      1.0
 SC SCEN3     SCEN2     0.2            PERIOD4
    COL4      ROW5      0.0
 SC SCEN4     SCEN1     0.1            PERIOD2
    COL2      ROW3      0.0
    COL3      ROW4      0.0
    COL4      ROW5      0.0
This is a description of the distribution of four entries: COL1/ROW2, COL2/ROW3, COL3/ROW4, COL4/ROW5, which for convenience we denote here as d1, d2, d3, and d4, respectively. Note that in PERIOD4 there are two nodes for the "state" d4 equals 0.0 and two for d4 equals 1.0, and similarly in PERIOD3 two nodes for d3 equals 1.0. This is because a node is distinguished by the information that one has collected concerning the path up to and including that node. Thus in PERIOD3 the two nodes are distinguished because in scenario SCEN1 one knows that the final state is d4 equals 1.0, whereas in SCEN2 the outcome of d4 is in doubt.

The Flexible Decomposition Solver

The decomposition method implemented in the IBM Stochastic Solution is the L-shaped method of van Slyke and Wets. The actual implementation has been documented in King.

The solution procedure consists of an L-shaped, or Benders, decomposition phase, and if needed, a Simplex method phase. The decomposition often does not terminate in a reasonable number of iterations, for this reason it is often useful to follow Benders with the Simplex method.

In the decomposition phase, the problem is decomposed into master and subproblems at a user-specified stage, the Cut_Stage. All nodes belonging to stages strictly less than the Cut_Stage are put into the master problem. (For this reason, the Cut_Stage should not be less than 2.) The nodes belonging to the Cut_Stage become "root" nodes of subtrees extending to the leaf nodes. These subtrees form the nodelists for the subproblems of the Benders decomposition method.

If there are more subtrees than the maximum number of subproblems allowed, Maximum_Subproblems, then the subtrees are divided among the subproblems as evenly as possible. The first subproblem is joined to the master problem, thus the master consists of the nodes less than Cut_Stage together with the subtrees collected into the first subproblem. This "augmented master" tends to produce better proposals; for example, the master nodes might be unbounded without the influence of some downstream nodes.

Benders cuts are generated for each remaining subproblem. Changing the number Maximum_Subproblems can have a big effect on the performance of Benders decomposition. For example, 100 subproblems will generate 100 different cuts, whereas 1 subproblem will generate 1 cut from the same proposal. The difference is the level of aggregation: the 1 cut from 1 subproblem is in fact the aggregation of the 100 cuts from the 100 subproblems. Generally speaking, aggregated cuts contain less information than the collection of disaggregated cuts, but disaggregated cuts make the master problem grow much faster.

Major iterations of Benders decomposition are performed until either a relative optimality gap of size less than Optimality_Gap is attained, or the maximum number of iterations Benders_Major_Iterations is performed. A major iteration consists of:

Solving the master with all optimality and feasibility cuts so far generated, and posting the proposed master solution and master objective value, if one exists.
Solving all subproblems with the master proposal and generating subproblem optimality or feasibility cuts. If all subproblems generate optimality cuts, then the subproblem optimal values are summed to form the subproblem objective value.
Testing the relative gap between the sum of the subproblem objective values (the true value at the given master proposal) and the master objective value (a lower bound) for convergence to within Optimality_Gap.
At the termination of the Benders decomposition phase, if optimality was not attained, then the Simplex phase begins.

Experience suggests that the solution progress is most affected by the maximum number of major interations, the cut stage, and the maximum number of subproblems. The setting of the Cut_Stage controls the size of the subproblems and the size of the master. Large subproblems and masters take a long time to solve. A large number of small subproblems generating disaggregated cuts for the master does not seem to present much difficulty.

Those parameters not yet described affect to the solution procedures applied within the Benders decomposition. These procedures are IBM Optimization Library subroutines, and the parameters refer to the calling sequences documented in the OSL manual. A method or type setting of zero means that the procedure will not be called. For example, the parameter EKKCRSH_method refers to the parameter passed to EKKCRSH, which is called at the initial solution of any subproblem, master or subproblem. If this parameter is set to zero, then EKKCRSH would not be called (not recommended!). The actual instantiation is if (icrsh) ekkcrsh(iret,osl_dspace,icrsh);, and similarly for the other procedures. 

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