Administrator's Guide

Updating Storage Pool Volumes

Task Required Privilege Class
Update volumes System or operator

You can update the attributes of a storage pool volume assigned to a primary or copy storage pool. Update a volume to:

When using the UPDATE VOLUME command, be prepared to supply some or all of the following information:

Volume name
Specifies the name of the storage pool volume to be updated. You can specify a group of volumes to update by using wildcard characters in the volume name. You can also specify a group of volumes by specifying the storage pool, device class, current access mode, or status of the volumes you want to update. See the parameters that follow.

New access mode
Specifies the new access mode for the volume (how users and system processes (like migration) can access files in the storage pool volume).

A random access volume must be varied offline before you can change its access mode to unavailable or destroyed. To vary a volume offline, use the VARY command. See "Varying Disk Volumes Online or Offline".

If a scratch volume that is empty and has an access mode of offsite is updated so that the access mode is read/write, read-only, or unavailable, the volume is deleted from the database.

Specifies the location of the volume. This parameter can be specified only for volumes in sequential-access storage pools.

Storage pool
Restricts the update to volumes in the specified storage pool.

Device class
Restricts the update to volumes in the specified device class.

Current access mode
Restricts the update to volumes that currently have the specified access mode.

Restricts the update to volumes with the specified status (online, offline, empty, pending, filling, or full).

Specifies whether you want to preview the update operation without actually performing the update.

An example of when to use the UPDATE VOLUME command is if you accidentally damage a volume, VOL1. You can change the access mode to unavailable so that ADSM does not try to write or read data from the volume. Enter the following command:

update volume vol1 access=unavailable

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