Administrator's Guide

Automating a Basic Administrative Command Schedule

This section describes how to set up a basic administrative command schedule using ADSM defaults. To later update or tailor your schedules, see "Tailoring Schedules".


  1. Scheduled administrative command output is directed to the activity log. This output cannot be redirected. For information about the length of time activity log information is retained in the database, see "Using the ADSM Activity Log".

  2. You cannot schedule MACRO or QUERY ACTLOG commands.

Task Required Privilege Class
Define, update, copy, or delete administrative schedules System
Display information about scheduled operations Any administrator

Defining the Schedule

Use the DEFINE SCHEDULE command to create a new schedule to process an administrative command. Include the following parameters:

For example:

define schedule backup_archivepool type=administrative
cmd='backup stgpool archivepool recoverypool' active=yes

This command results in the following:

To change the defaults, see "Tailoring Schedules".

Verifying the Schedule

You can verify the details of what you have scheduled by using the QUERY SCHEDULE command. When you use the QUERY SCHEDULE command, you must specify the TYPE=ADMINISTRATIVE parameter to view an administrative command schedule. The following figure shows an example of a report that is displayed after you enter:

query schedule backup_archivepool type=administrative

| *   Schedule Name        Start Date/Time        Duration   Period   Day        |
| -   ----------------     --------------------   --------   ------   ---        |
|     BACKUP_ARCHIVEP-     03/15/1997 14:08:11        1 H      1 D    Any        |
|      OOL                                                                       |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

Note:The asterisk (*) in the first column specifies whether the corresponding schedule has expired. If there is an asterisk in this column, the schedule has expired.

You can check when the schedule is projected to run and whether it ran successfully by using the QUERY EVENT command. For information about querying events, see "Querying Events".

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