Administrator's Guide

Controlling Administrator Access to the Server

An administrator can control access to the server by registering and granting authority to administrators, renaming or removing an administrator, or by locking and unlocking an administrator from the server.

Registering Administrators or Updating Information

Task Required Privilege Class
Register an administrator or update information about other administrators System
Update information about yourself Any administrator
Rename an administrator user ID

Remove other administrators from the server

Temporarily prevent other administrators from accessing the system


To register an administrator, specify a user ID and password. You also can provide contact information such as the user name and telephone number. Contact information is displayed when you query administrator information (FORMAT=DETAILED).

To register the administrator with a user ID of DAVEHIL and the password of birds, enter the REGISTER ADMIN command:

register admin davehil birds contact='backup team'
Note:At installation, the server console is defined with a special user ID, which is named SERVER_CONSOLE. This name is reserved and cannot be used by another administrator. At installation, the SERVER_CONSOLE user ID can be used to register other administrators and grant system privilege.

An administrator with system privilege can revoke or grant new privileges to the SERVER_CONSOLE user ID. However, you cannot update, lock, rename, or remove the SERVER_CONSOLE user ID from ADSM. The SERVER_CONSOLE user ID does not have a password. Therefore, you cannot use the user ID from an administrative client unless you set authentication off.

If as an administrator you forget your password, you can reset the password by issuing the UPDATE ADMINISTRATOR command. For example, the administrator DAVEHIL changes his password to ganymede, by issuing the following command:

update admin davehil ganymede

Granting Administrative Authority

Task Required Privilege Class
Grant authority to other administrators System

After administrators are registered, they can make queries and request command-line help. To perform other ADSM functions, they must be granted authority by being assigned one or more administrative privilege classes.

This section describes the privilege classes, which are illustrated in Figure 35. An administrator with system privilege can perform any ADSM function. Administrators with policy, storage, operator, or analyst privileges can perform subsets of ADSM functions.

Figure 35. Administrative Privilege Classes

Administrative Privilege Classes

System Privilege

An administrator with system privilege can perform any ADSM administrative task.

The following tasks can be performed only by administrators with system privilege:

To grant the system privilege class to administrator KACZ, enter:

grant authority kacz classes=system

Unrestricted Policy Privilege

An administrator with unrestricted policy privilege can manage the backup and archive services for client nodes assigned to any policy domain. When new policy domains are defined to the server, an administrator with unrestricted policy privilege is automatically authorized to manage the new policy domains.

An administrator with unrestricted policy privilege can:

To grant unrestricted policy privilege to administrator SMITH, enter:

grant authority smith classes=policy

Restricted Policy Privilege

An administrator with restricted policy privilege can perform the same operations as an administrator with unrestricted policy privilege but only for specified policy domains.

An administrator with restricted policy privilege can:

To grant restricted policy privilege over the policy domain named ENGPOLDOM, to administrator JONES enter:

grant authority jones domains=engpoldom

Unrestricted Storage Privilege

An administrator with unrestricted storage privilege has the authority to manage the database, recovery log, and all storage pools.

An administrator with unrestricted storage privilege can:

Note:However, an administrator with unrestricted storage privilege cannot define or delete storage pools.

To grant unrestricted storage privilege to administrator COYOTE, enter:

grant authority coyote classes=storage

Restricted Storage Privilege

Administrators with restricted storage privilege can manage only those storage pools to which they are authorized. They cannot manage the database or recovery log.

For those authorized storage pools, administrators with restricted storage privilege can:

For example, assume that you have these tape storage pools: TAPEPOOL1, TAPEPOOL2, and TAPEPOOL3. To grant restricted storage privilege for these storage pools to administrator HOLLAND, you could enter:

grant authority holland stgpools=tape*

HOLLAND is restricted to managing storage pools beginning with "TAPE" that existed when the authority was granted. HOLLAND is not authorized to manage any storage pools that are defined after authority has been granted.

To add a new storage pool, TAPEPOOL4, to HOLLAND's authority, enter:

grant authority holland stgpools=tapepool4

Operator Privilege

Administrators with operator privilege control the immediate operation of the ADSM server and the availability of storage media.

An administrator with operator privilege can:

To grant operator privilege to administrator BILL, enter:

grant authority bill classes=operator

Analyst Privilege

An administrator with analyst privilege can issue commands that reset the counters that track server statistics.

To grant analyst privilege to administrator MARYSMITH, enter:

grant authority marysmith classes=analyst

Renaming an Administrator

Task Required Privilege Class
Rename an administrator user ID System

You can rename an administrator ID when an employee wants to be identified by a new ID, or you want to assign an existing administrator ID to another person. You cannot rename an administrator ID to one that already exists on the system.

For example, if administrator HOLLAND leaves your organization, you can assign administrative privilege classes to another user by completing the following steps:

  1. Assign HOLLAND's user ID to WAYNESMITH by issuing the RENAME ADMIN command:
    rename admin holland waynesmith

    By renaming the administrator's ID, you remove HOLLAND as a registered administrator from the server. In addition, you register WAYNESMITH as an administrator with the password, contact information, and administrative privilege classes previously assigned to HOLLAND.

  2. Change the password to prevent the previous administrator from accessing the server by entering:
    update admin waynesmith new_password contact="development"
Note:The administrator SERVER_CONSOLE cannot be renamed.

Changing Administrative Authority

Task Required Privilege Class
Extend, revoke, or reduce administrative privilege classes System

You can extend, revoke or reduce another administrator's authority.

Extending Administrative Privilege

Granting authority to an administrator adds to any existing privilege classes; it does not override those classes.

For example, JONES has restricted policy privilege for policy domain ENGPOLDOM.

Enter the following command to extend JONES' authority to policy domain MKTPOLDOM and add operator privilege:

grant authority jones domains=mktpoldom classes=operator

Revoking One or More Administrative Privilege Classes

You can revoke part of an administrator's authority by specifying the administrator's ID and one or more privilege classes.

Assume that rather than revoking all of the privilege classes for administrator JONES you wished only to revoke his operator authority and his policy authorization to policy domain MKTPOLDOM.

You would enter:

revoke authority jones classes=operator domains=mktpoldom

JONES still has policy privilege to the ENGPOLDOM policy domain.

Revoking All Administrative Privilege Classes

To revoke all administrative privilege classes, do not specify any privilege classes, policy domains, or storage pools. For example, to revoke both the storage and operator privilege classes from administrator JONES enter:

revoke authority jones

Reducing Privilege Classes

You can reduce an administrator's authority simply by revoking one or more privilege classes and granting one or more other classes.

For example, administrator HOGAN has system authority. To reduce HOGAN to the operator privilege class do the following:

  1. Revoke the system privilege class by entering:
    revoke authority hogan classes=system

  2. Grant operator privilege class by entering:
    grant authority hogan classes=operator

Removing Administrators

Task Required Privilege Class
Remove other administrators from the server System

You can remove administrators from the server so that they no longer have access to administrator functions. For example, to remove registered administrator ID SMITH, enter:

remove admin smith


  1. You cannot remove the last system administrator from the system.
  2. You cannot remove the administrator SERVER_CONSOLE.

Locking and Unlocking Administrators from the Server

Task Required Privilege Class
Temporarily prevent other administrators from accessing the system System

You can lock out administrators to temporarily prevent them from accessing ADSM.

For example, administrator MARYSMITH takes a leave of absence from your business. You can lock her out by entering:

lock admin marysmith

When she returns, any system administrator can unlock her administrator ID by entering:

unlock admin marysmith

MARYSMITH can now access ADSM to complete administrative tasks.
Note:You cannot lock or unlock the SERVER_CONSOLE ID from the server.

Requesting Information about Administrators

Task Required Privilege Class
Display administrator information Any administrator

Any administrator can query the server to view administrator information. You can also query all administrators authorized with a specific privilege class.

For example, to query the system for a detailed report on administrator ID DAVEHIL, issue the QUERY ADMIN command:

query admin davehil format=detailed

Figure 36 displays a detailed report.

Figure 36. A Detailed Administrator Report

|                                                                                |
|       Administrator Name: DAVEHIL                                              |
|    Last Access Date/Time: 1997.06.04 16.34.59                                  |
|   Days Since Last Access: <1                                                   |
|   Password Set Date/Time: 1997.05.09 23.54.20                                  |
|  Days Since Password Set: 26                                                   |
|    Invalid Sign-on Count: 0                                                    |
|                  Locked?: No                                                   |
|                  Contact:                                                      |
|         System Privilege: Yes                                                  |
|         Policy Privilege: ** Included with system privilege **                 |
|        Storage Privilege: ** Included with system privilege **                 |
|        Analyst Privilege: ** Included with system privilege **                 |
|       Operator Privilege: ** Included with system privilege **                 |
|   Registration Date/Time: 1997.05.09 23.54.20                                  |
|Registering Administrator: SERVER_CONSOLE                                       |
|                                                                                |

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